Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 7-18

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Hi guys! Im still the same ,havent lost any more since the 2.5Lbs. a
few weeks ago. I had been bike riding (until the heat wave hit us yesterday)
and I was feeling pretty good. One day though I rode up this steep hill
and my pulse went up to atleast 120 and this was after I stopped to rest.
Since I have a hisory of tachy-atrial arrhythmia, I was a little worried,but
it went down almost immediately. How high does your pulse go when you
are exercising? I know my cardio wants me to exercise and Im going to ask
him about my limitations , but I was curious what guidelines that you guys
Karlynn-your Wii sounds great , Im sure I dont have the room for it,but
how much space does it take up? I also know how great that 1 lb. difference
makes when you go down from one '10s digit to the next, its makes the day
(or week)! Congratulations!--Dina:)
Yes Karlynn....we have the boxing game, and I have watched the kids play it...looks hilarious and a ton of fun...when they go back to school on Tuesday I shall have a turn...Hubby is very fond of the ten-pin-bowling but you have to stand back 'cos he gets carried away and knocks stuff over and even managed to whack one of the boys with his bowling action!

Weight/diet-wise , I am in the same boat as you Karlynn...been a 10-12 for all my life and if the 12 doesnt fit then I wont buy it...I know its a silly mental thing but I cant help it either :eek: ....Maybe we are already perfect!:D and its all those skinny things with no bellies, butts or thighs that have the problem! I know if I see a gal my size I think she looks pretty good so I really dont know why I think I have a problem.:(.

Cooker you and SuperBob have really fab results and Wise and Cindy have also done great!

I am doing the 5 veg & 2 fruit thing works almost as well as figs!;)
Weight/diet-wise , I am in the same boat as you Karlynn...been a 10-12 for all my life and if the 12 doesnt fit then I wont buy it...I know its a silly mental thing but I cant help it either :eek:

Ive been a size 7-8-9 all my life and now I need to wear a 14(12 is too tight)
But I am the same way; I wont buy large clothes , I buy the bare necessities
and thats it. I feel like buy a larger size is 'giving in' and accepting that this is my weight and I will stay here. It shows long-term acceptance.
My husband thinks Im totally nuts:D

Great Work to Cindy and Wise and Cooker!!!
Oh mercy! Even though I didn't share my actual weight I will share that it has been a struggle over the last year to not surge into size 14. I've danced around the cliff tho'. If I tried on something that put me in that size, I just didn't buy it. I know in reality it doesn't make a difference - but for my own self esteem it does! :( Thankfully I think I'm safely in size 12. I've been a size 12 for 10 years, so I'm happy with that. Many many moons ago I was a size 10 - but I've never been below that - even at my skinniest pre-surgery when I was basically a walking broom.

I haven't finished reading this week's posts (still catching up from vacation), but I had to tell you that you reminded me of a series of (fiction) books I started reading this summer by Meg Cabot: Size 12 is not fat, Size 14 is not fat either, and Big boned. In the books, the main character (Heather Wells) is constantly reminding people that size 12 is the average size of American females and she is NOT fat. :D So no worries! ;)
I don't have a weight to report as I got up this morning and went immediately to rescue my puppies from "doggie jail" (as they refer to it ;) ). Since then I've been trying to catch up on all I've missed in my emails and here at (Superbob, I'm so sorry to read about your DW. I'm glad she's back home and hope you are able to slowly shift her to a lower sodium diet. This will be good for both of you!). So I didn't get on a scale today (and frankly, I'm scared to!). I'll try to remember tomorrow.

I ate a TON this week, but I also walked more than I ever would have had I been "exercising" since we were at Disney and basically you have to walk all day long to do anything! Yes, there were the buses, but we had to walk from the bus stop to the park, then to all the attractions, then back to the bus stop, then to our hotel room... MAN, it was a LOT of walking.

BUT I'm very happy to report only minimal ankle swelling each night that was taken care of easily on my NORMAL dose of lasix. I had brought extra in case it was needed (three years ago on the same trip I had feet the size of footballs and had to be in a wheelchair half the trip!), but didn't have to take any at all. :D :D Also, Nathan made the comment that either I was walking faster than usual, or other people were walking way slower than usual. ;) I was so impressed with how well I kept up with Nathan! :D I can't wait to give this report to my cardiologists. I really believe that it is due to the bi-ventricular ICD I got a little over a year ago. :D It's awesome to see some actual benefit from making two trips to Rochester, MN.
Sounds like everyone is dong great and trying to stay active.......I think I need to join the local school board and push for "year round school"......My DW is an excellent cook/baker and the fresh figs have found their way into cakes and the blueberries and blackberries into cobblers........The Chimp is doomed:(:eek::rolleyes::p......pass me a fork would ya:D
I think I might lose a pound or two with my planned diarrhea diet
prior to my colonoscopy wednesday.

Need I say, I'm not looking forward to this.

I'll let you know if I lose any weight so that I might be able to
recommend this famous diet......ughhhhhh!
Will an MRI help burn off a few pounds? Superbob has his MRI on his knee tomorrow morning. If that doesn't work, he might try Jack's colonoscopy diet. :p

Since DW had her MRI finally on Friday in the hospital, this will be two MRIs in one family within four days. Sorry we are so greedy about having this "fun."

Superbob needs to get back on an even keel and weigh in by week's end.
WOW! I'm completely amazed! Even though I ate like a pig all week (had appetizers, entrées, AND deserts with almost every meal!), I somehow managed to come back .5 lbs lighter!!! :D :D :D I guess it was all that walking every day. So does that mean I can continue eating like that as long as I walk everywhere I go?? ;)

I got on the Wii Fit for the first time after vacation. I expected it to "yell" at me for having gone 9 days without turning it on. But it was gentle. Just told me how long it had been... Nathan, on the other hand, was a different story. When HE got on it pretended he didn't know who he was because of how long it had been since the last time he been on (18 days). That cracked me up! :D I doubt it would have been so funny if it had been talking to me... ;)
I'm late posting, but my weight isn't going anywhere. Still 2 pounds higher than I want to be, though that new WW scale says I'm slowly taking off a few tenths.

Nikki, I'm glad the fancy hardware helped you enjoy your vacation more.

Spouse and I are off to Erie PA this weekend to hang out at the lake, eat salty restaurant food, and visit the family. The lasix is already packed. We're not taking the laptop, so I won't check in this week. I can't wait to get out of the 100 degree heat for a few days.
Well I would like to tell you this week has been a struggle.....cakes and cobblers keep popping up but I did try and keep from going nuts and curb my caloric intake where I could ... Like last night I had sushi with a friend followed by a double dip waffle cone from Baskin Robins ... I figure they cancel each other out:D ... Anyway I still am having some nicotine withdrawal snack attacks but the are coming fewer and further between ...

It looks like everyone is doing pretty well with no great upward explosions:eek: The closer we get to out goals the slower the weight loss will be ... and for those who have been exercising (I hate you:p) we all know that muscle weighs more than fats so that will impact the scales as well ... Wishing everyone a successful week ... I'm just holding on the best I can but that's all we can do is our best ... and if it's not good enough then you know what I say ... well ... I can't really say it here.....
I've put together four days of good exercise, so I suppose Cooker hates me!:eek::eek:;)[/SIZE][/FONT]
I've put together four days of good exercise, so I suppose Cooker hates me!:eek::eek:;)[/SIZE][/FONT]

Not the Ref:) ? you have put four days back to back? ? I am impressed ? The only exercise that I have been getting is running my yap:p ? I have not been on the scales and don?t have a clue what Thursday morning will bring ? I know it does not sound like I have been trying, but I have ? All in all I am pleased with the lack of weight that I have gained over the past six weeks:D ? if I every pick up anything that contains nicotine again I want someone to put their foot dead in my ass.:eek:
Not the Ref:) ? you have put four days back to back? YES!

All in all I am pleased with the lack of weight that I have gained over the past six weeks: GREAT JOB, TOM!if I every pick up anything that contains nicotine again I want someone to put their foot dead in my ass.:eek:


Granddaughter's 10th birthday party tomorrow (another reason for being grateful OHS has prolonged my life)....We have ordered her a big birthday cake and we will have a pizza party. Superbob surely must participate with gusto, the heck with the scales. :D

Got an MRI on my knee yesterday; follow-up with the sawbones is Aug. 5. Superbob rode his exercise bike so hard last night watching the Cardinals drop a close one to the Brewers that his knee is sore this morning. :eek:

Mrs. Superbob is taking it easy (just woke up -- almost 11 a.m.)

Life goes on, though I fear Superbob is not getting any lighter. Maybe DW's salt-reduction regimen will help us both though.:)
Hey!!! Great news:D:...Hardee's has their hotdogs back:D:D.....2 for $3.....guess how many TheChimp can / did eat:p:p:p

You should being asking everyone to guess HOW MANY POINTS, and then, knowing you are the fearless leader, throwdowners would guess how many you ate according to your daily WW point allotment!;)
I know; I'm a party pooper!:p:p:p
You should being asking everyone to guess HOW MANY POINTS, and then, knowing you are the fearless leader, throwdowners would guess how many you ate according to your daily WW point allotment!;)
I know; I'm a party pooper!:p:p:p

I figure they are about 10 point a piece....I have no idea what the large fries were?????....But I did have a diet Coke:p:p