Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 11-02

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
As always I want to get this weeks weigh-in thread started early just in case I got busy and some of you wanted to post early. Again, many thanks for helping me stay somewhat:eek: on course. Good luck and good losing!!!! And SuperBob, I plan on having a Halloween treat or two after my morning weigh-in:D
Hello All! Still holding at 8 pounds down. I am not too bummed because I have been raiding my kids Halloween stash..baaaad:D Will try to work hard at it this week. By the way-I wanted to ask you all-I have a friend who had gastric bypass and now 18 months later she is Teeny Tiny. She went from size 20 to 4. Now I am never going to do this-but what is your all's thoughts on this surgery? Don't mean to hijack the thread-I was just curious...I would be scared to do that type of surgery. MAybe because I have ssen mom have so many surgeries....Thanks all-Deb
I will be weighing in the morning, but I'm not looking forward to what the scale will say. I've eaten like a pig this week (but not any candy at least!). I don't know what it is. I'm not sure why, unless it's just boredom. I ned to get myself something to keep my busy. I'm always better at this when I'm super busy, since I don't have time to think about being hungry. Unfortunately, with all the unpacking done (or at least most of it) I'm at a loss as to what I should do with all this time... :rolleyes: I need to get back to exercising... Does playing Wii Sports count? I did that the last two afternoons and now my arm/shoulder are very sore. ;)

"See" you in the morning.
I have added exercise:D Been walking every morning and a short walk/stroll after lunch. It seems to be helping. I hate to say it but Marguerite is right,;) moving seems to be the key, for me anyway. SuperBob I hope you are paying attention.....have you been walking???

Now I am off for my morning walk and then back to my chair to sample a few Halloween tonight then back on track. Have a great weekend and a successful week of losing:) :)

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................214
This week....................211
Weekly Change............-3
Total Loss......................22
Okay, I guess it's confession time. :( I gained a pound this week. Though, to be honest, it feels like it could be water weight. My ankles and fingers feel the slightest bit swollen this morning. Not sure why, since I try to eat low-ish sodium for the most part. But at any rate, here's the skinny (or fat?):

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 133
Today: 134
This week change: +1
Total change: -8

And that sore arm/shoulder I talked about last night (from playing Wii Sports)... It's even worse this morning. I thought I was going to yell out in pain when I tried to get out of bed this morning... Seems to me that my right arm is getting more of a work out than it did when I was going to the rec center and using the weight machines. ;) Next week I really will try to get back to the exercise thing. I am ashamed that it's been two weeks since the last time I've been. :eek:
RobHol said:
Starting weight: 272

Current weight: 258

Change: -14

Change in past week: +1

"Superbob" no longer lives here. :(

And yes the fat man has been walking.

No, no, no!!! SuperBob must remain!!!! He is a symbol of truth, justice and an inspiration to our little group of "losers" Many times super hero's have been down but never out. We need the SuperBob avitar to remind us that we are protected from pies, cakes, donuts, scone.................
Well, neither of us are back at Throw Down starting weight, but we have lost weight this week nonetheless.

We each lost 3 pounds in the last three days!! It has taken us almost two months to get back on track for more than a day at a time. So this is a big victory for us.

p.s. Superbob, you ain't goin' nowhere....get your super suit on....we need the man of celery to protect us from all those diabolical calories threatening to attack us. Besides that, you could get the new Carrie Underwood album on mp3 on and walk with her!
Certainly you don't want to trade this picture for the one you have! :eek:

Maybe you've had an unkown encounter with green kryptonite, and that has sapped your resolve and determination!:confused:

Everyone is doing really well; just don't get discouraged!:) :)
UP..:mad: 2 lbs from last Friday..:( ..Too many carbs.......Happens when I am away..........Oh, well. there is next week..Back on track..Bonnie
Superbob!!! 1 pound does not a dethroned superhero make!

Wise and Cindy - great job - keep going!

Bonnie - Carbs are my enemy as well. You'll get back on track quickly, I'm sure.
Well, we seem to have ups and downs this week don't we? I've stayed the same weight but I think I'm down in size a bit. I sure hope nobody quits just because they are having a rough time of it! A big congratulations to those who have lost...especially you Cooker....3 lbs! Great!
Granbonny said:
UP..:mad: 2 lbs from last Friday..:( ..Too many carbs.......Happens when I am away..........Oh, well. there is next week..Back on track..Bonnie

You'll be right back on track this week, you watch! Have a really good week!
Debster said:
Hello All! Still holding at 8 pounds down. I am not too bummed because I have been raiding my kids Halloween stash..baaaad:D Will try to work hard at it this week. By the way-I wanted to ask you all-I have a friend who had gastric bypass and now 18 months later she is Teeny Tiny. She went from size 20 to 4. Now I am never going to do this-but what is your all's thoughts on this surgery? Don't mean to hijack the thread-I was just curious...I would be scared to do that type of surgery. MAybe because I have ssen mom have so many surgeries....Thanks all-Deb

Deb, I think the surgery has been a lifesaver for many many people but it is a very major surgery that forever changes a person's digestive anatomy. I know many who have had it done and most have maintained their weight loss but not all. My husband had a gastric lap-band put around the top part of his stomach last June. It is a tool for weight loss rather than a solution by itself. It is far less intrusive as it does not remove any organs or connect anything that didn't used to be connected. It is an adjustable band and can be removed and everthing would be back as it was before. He has lost over 60 lbs and I don't think he needs to lose any more but he wants to go down another 10 lbs.

Deb, he has some other major health problems that made the bypass something he didn't want to get involved with at this time in his life. He does have a problem with food getting "stuck" and that is very painful for him although he says it is a constant reminder to eat slowly, chew well, and eat only small amounts at a meal. He eats high protein nutrient rich foods and avoids sweets except for rare instances. He is not on a "diet" but is eating differently now.

What do you think about these surgeries? Insurance did not cover any of the costs so he shopped around. Many people have been going to Mexico and other areas in Latin and Central American but Tom had his up at Wayne State University Medical center at Harper Hospital in Detroit and can't say enough nice things about how he was treated before and after the surgery.
Not to hijack my own thread but::p

For the morbidly obese these surgeries can be life saving. There can be complications and anyone considering these surgeries should be WELL informed. I know a woman who had it done and has lost many pounds. She now needs plastic surgery to remove skin that lost its elasticity.

I would hate to see this type of surgery used to replace diet changes and exercise. In American we seem to look for the quick fix. I think there are some who might take this route as a short cut. I also believe there are surgeons out there that are your ?anything for a buck? type people. Under the right circumstances I believe these surgeries are warranted.
Cooker, I don't think my husband was to the point of being morbidly obese but his excess weight was really detrimental to the rest of his health. He doesn't need any surgery for excess skin and debated about getting a surgical procedure for many months and probably years. I think he expected to feel better than he does though. He blamed some of his medical problems, tiredness, and general unwellness on his weight issues and realizes now that it wasn't as simple as that. (He has megaloblastic anemia). Still, he is glad he had the surgery and long term I'm sure it is better for his health.
Hi Betty! I think your hubby made the smart choice-if it was up to me I think I would do the lap band instead of the bypass too. This friend of mine I had not seen in a few years-I was surprised she did this surgery as I know she was overweight, but not someone I would have thought needed to go the bypass route.
As for me-I just need to butch up and put down my fork!!:) You all are doing awesome!!! Deb
bvdr said:
Cooker, I don't think my husband was to the point of being morbidly obese but his excess weight was really detrimental to the rest of his health. He doesn't need any surgery for excess skin and debated about getting a surgical procedure for many months and probably years. I think he expected to feel better than he does though. He blamed some of his medical problems, tiredness, and general unwellness on his weight issues and realizes now that it wasn't as simple as that. (He has megaloblastic anemia). Still, he is glad he had the surgery and long term I'm sure it is better for his health.
Betty??Please don?t think that I was passing judgment. I was not. But as you said it is not necessarily the answer to all health problems. The person I knew who had the gastric bypass went through about a year and a half of counseling etc. She is also glad that she had it done.

Again, please be assured that I in no way was being judgmental. I carry enough baggage myself to ever throw the first stone??.Tom
Where are the rest of the losers????? We should be seing more reports by now!!! Don't be shy about gain or staying the same. We are all in this together for the long hall!!!!!
I have to brag on Cindy and me.

WE had lunch with friends at PIZZA HUT and Cindy and I had salad with very little dressing while everyone else chowed down on pizza. This is not earth shattering news, but it's a big deal for us to do that and not be bothered by it.

I have been having only fruit for breakfast and it has been setting very well with me....of course with my Starbuck's coffee. My lunches have been largely raw vegetables.....broccoli dipped in a little olive oil with seasoning, salad or the such. We've had some fish, chicken or turkey at dinner, but haven't eaten more than was comfortable. We've even been having some light Breyer's ice cream. Cindy is county WW points....I'm just concentrating on eating fruit and vegetables with a little meat thrown in for variety....and a little Breyer's. :D

Feeling good to be on track!!