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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hi everyone. My symptoms are getting worse and I don`t know what`s what anymore, I mean, I get extremmely breathless when I go to bed and I don`t even try to lie down anymore. Sitting on the couch to watch TV is the same. I haven`t had a decent night`s sleep for a couple of weeks now. My chest feels like there`s something stopping the air from getting in but the doctor told me it is getting in and out ok. I need to have the windows open at all times and when it`s not possible, I turn my wee fan on. It feels horrible and the noise I make as I struggle to breathe sounds like there are 10 cats fighting in there. I also have this annoying dry cough on and off except while I`m asleep. I have to do everything in slow motion or I feel like I`ve run miles nonstop and even talking makes me tired. I`m starting my chemo this Thursday to shrink a tumour in my left lung and only then will they`ll operate on my heart, but until then, it`s far too risky and they won`t even consider it. There`s a whole team of doctors working on my case and they said my deteriorating mitral valve is still doing its job but the heart`s struggling to pump the blood. Anyway, Does anyone else feel like this at all before having surgery? I can`t really remember exactly how I felt before the previous surgeries and now that I alos have lung cancer I`m so scared and confused. Hope someone can shed some light.
Hi Debora,

Yes, I felt like that before my first surgery. I had trouble breathing even sitting up on the couch. I had to prop pillows behind my back to keep my airways open. It wasn't until I finally passed out and was unconscious for a few hours that a surgeon was finally brought in.

I would think the tumor you have is not helping things.

In any case, I made it although the last couple of months before my first surgery was something I never want to go through again.

Wishing you all the best for the tumor shrinking and allowing your MVR very soon.
Debora, I can't answer your question, but you remain in my prayers and I hope that Chemo goes well and you can get this taken care of as soon as possible.
Yes Debora dear. I never attempted to lie flat until after they took me into hospital and got rid of all that fluid in my lungs.

You are in my thoughts, you have a lot to contend with at this time.
I have a good friend who was 47 when she was diagnosed with lung cancer and I know that breathing became very difficult for her before she started treatment. Alot of what you are describing sounds exactly like the issues she had. I also know that she could not sleep at all. Her Dr.'s prescribed her something for anxiety as well something to help her sleep. When you got close to her, you could hear every breath she took.

Debora, I really wish you the best in this journey. Having watched someone go through this, I know that it will be very hard at times, but just stay strong and you will come out on the other side.

Hi everyone. My symptoms are getting worse and I don`t know what`s what anymore, I mean, I get extremmely breathless when I go to bed and I don`t even try to lie down anymore. Sitting on the couch to watch TV is the same. I haven`t had a decent night`s sleep for a couple of weeks now. My chest feels like there`s something stopping the air from getting in but the doctor told me it is getting in and out ok. I need to have the windows open at all times and when it`s not possible, I turn my wee fan on. It feels horrible and the noise I make as I struggle to breathe sounds like there are 10 cats fighting in there. I also have this annoying dry cough on and off except while I`m asleep. I have to do everything in slow motion or I feel like I`ve run miles nonstop and even talking makes me tired. I`m starting my chemo this Thursday to shrink a tumour in my left lung and only then will they`ll operate on my heart, but until then, it`s far too risky and they won`t even consider it. There`s a whole team of doctors working on my case and they said my deteriorating mitral valve is still doing its job but the heart`s struggling to pump the blood. Anyway, Does anyone else feel like this at all before having surgery? I can`t really remember exactly how I felt before the previous surgeries and now that I alos have lung cancer I`m so scared and confused. Hope someone can shed some light.

I am thinking about you Sweetie! I just sent you a PM. We [ all of us on this board] get through this together. I am here for you!!!!!!
Maybe it's fluid (CHF). All of your symptoms are consistent with that, but there also could be other things. I would think your doctors would want to rule out fluid problems. They can be addressed with medication and you would feel much better, if that is what the problem is.

Don't fool around with it, call your doctor and get their advice, and if it gets to the point where you cannot breathe, then you have to go to the ER.
I couldn't get 1/2 way through a sentence without gasping for air b/f my surgery.
You are continually in my prayers!
I love the avatar..I presume that is Bruna.. she is precious!
Debora..... I want to wish you the very best success with your chemo. So hope that it shrinks your tumor so all your other issues can be addressed. You are very much in my thoughts. You're a very strong lady and will do well. The sooner they get the treatements started, the sooner you will feel better.

Please let us know how you are doing.
Deborah, I am so sorry to know that you are suffering so. Praying that some relief will be your quickly with some sort of treatment.

I love the new avatar.
Hi Debora,
you have alot more to deal with than most of us while awaiting your AVR...Anxiety is probably making your symptoms even worse than they already feel...I hope you have plenty of things to do to rest your mind.

Bruna is growing up into a lovely young lady...say Hi to her from us.

hugs and prayers
Hello Debora, Nancy is most likely right, I have CHF too, but it's the
tricuspid valve that is the problem for me, so I have problems breathing
when Im walking fast ,or with the stairs. And yes this is very common,
when its hard to breath while lying flat -is called orthopnea and should
be fixed when you get the valve replaced.
Wishing You the very Best :) Dina
im awaiting a date for mvr and my breathing is difficult
if i pursue any stairs and alot of walking causes sob,
I have alot of fluid in my legs and chest congestion,i agree
at night as im propped up on pillows and one of my grandaughters
stuffed (soft animal) that works its shape into my breathing by
elevating the height of my upper body while lying down,i too hear these
dam cats fighting in my throat and waking me up also ,my cardiologist
said it was chest congestion and my mitral is leaking severly that with
the back up and not enough pressure is pushing it through my
mechanical valve which has no click for me to hear anymore which
i think would be serious,my Cardiologist says its still working and so's
the mitral .......... the fatigue along with these symptoms is
another clash for my symptoms. Prayers continue and all the best
goes out to you
