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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
How are yall doing with all the snow...what 5 ft. in Denver?:eek: :eek: :eek: Do we need to send a St. Bernard with a keg of whisky?:D :D :D Bonnie
My nearly 80-year-old mother lives in Evergreen, CO, one of those "foothill communities west of Denver that can expect up to six feet of snow." Last night she told me she really needed to get out and shovel her patio. By then they'd had 42" of wet soggy snow.

I told her that little old ladies shouldn't shovel lots of wet soggy snow and that if she had a heart attack she'd probably just lie on her patio under the next 2 feet they're supposed to get until it melts!!!

She allowed as how that whole shovel thing might be a bad idea.

I'm really glad for you folks out there - I know how badly you need the precipitation and after all - it's supposed to be warm this weekend and it'll be melted in no time. Just stand around and watch those reservoirs fill up!!!
Right on, Bonnie!

Right on, Bonnie!

Its actually just a little cloudy where I live. But my boys are enjoying an unscheduled break from college in Fort Collins. This is the first time I remember CSU shutting down in the four years Eric has been there.

I talked to Ryan yesterday, he said he measured 30" in the yard outside his apartment. He was calling to ask me how to make corned beef and cabbage and mentioned that only the main streets were being plowed and the only cars on the street were 4-wheel drives... I said, ?ummm.....Ryan..:confused: ... how do you know?? He says, ?well Mom... my roommate, Joey and I have been out rescuing stranded girls?. lol They were laughing and having a great time. I?d have boxed his little ears if I could have reached him! He said when he drives down the street it pushes snow with the bumper of his Explorer. That?s deep! He says there are broken trees everywhere and lots of caved in roofs. It?s a really, really wet snow. The storm has just about totally shut the area down. Even the interstates are closed. He was upset because the power kept going out and his corned beef wouldn?t get done. lol They finally started eating it off the edges as it was cooking. Too funny. Wouldn't it be fun to be a college kid again? :D They built a 10' snowman out in the middle of the street in front of their apartment.... normally a busy street!! :eek: But he says the snows as deep there as it is in his yard... no plows and no cars driving on it.

NO!! Don't send them whiskey! NO tellin what they'd be doin next?! :eek: :D


Does Ryan have e-mail? :D Wish I could be there with him:p Love..corned beef but takes forever to cook..Gotta get it boiling. turn on low..keep adding water. a good 3 hours. Poor, Baby. Bet it was raw..but adding the cabbage to the broth..Yummy. Where is PillarPaul? Need some whisky Paul ? lol Bonnie
Alive and well

Alive and well

Hi Bonny,

Thanks for your concern. Posted my snow story on another thread before I saw this. But briefly, couldn't access the internet because I use dial-up at home and the storm knocked my phone line out (better that than the 10,000 homes without power:( ). And couldn't get to the office where I have DSL because the street I live on was not plowed and still has about three feet full of snow. All the neighbors were helping each other shovel - felt bad that I couldn't help (surgery in three weeks!) so I "donated" my wife to the cause:D . Ran out of dog food for my dog but fortunately had leftover St. Patty's day Guiness and an old bottle of wine (that's for me, Rain, not the dog).

Should get out of here by Saturday. Feel like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining".:eek:



Hey Pual,

I understand.... Of course you should never give your dogs Guiness or wine when the phone lines are down. :eek: They might go into a sneezing attack like my poodle always does..... then ?who ya gonna call??

This is a better idea.... drink it yourself and then send e-mails to all your friends. :p