COAGUCHECK Home Monitor?

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern Minnesota
Hubsband's surgery is next week, and we are looking into home monitors and the brand that the Mayo uses is this "COAGUCHECK" Is anyone using this model or even heard of it? It will be set up with Tapestry 3 months post AVR. From what I have been reading here at VR is that the Protime model and INRatio seem to be the most popular. Appreciate any info...thanks....
The Coagucheck is a fine unit and is widely used. The manufacturer recently decided to no longer market it for home use here in the US. The ProTime and INRatio are the only ones currently widely available. You can to a search on this forum for the many threads on the pros and cons of either. No matter which unit you choose (or are assigned) I find it a "gazillion" times better than get blood drawn so often.
Home Monitors

Home Monitors

I've been using a Coaguchek "S" monitor since January this year. I'm very happy with it. The "S" model is available in the US for "professional use". Roche told me the only difference between the two is the "S" model uses pictographs and the original uses text prompts.

Regardless of which home monitor you choose I'm sure you will be more than happy with home testing.


Natanni said:
Hubsband's surgery is next week, and we are looking into home monitors and the brand that the Mayo uses is this "COAGUCHECK" Is anyone using this model or even heard of it? It will be set up with Tapestry 3 months post AVR. From what I have been reading here at VR is that the Protime model and INRatio seem to be the most popular. Appreciate any info...thanks....
Hi Natanni

We have had both units, the Protime and the Coaguchek.....IMHO, I think the Coaguchek is far superior to the protime......I think it is easier to work with, more accurate, has a great storage case so it travels well, uses less blood, and oh, did I say MORE accurate.....Of course, that's only our opinion.

We had the Protome first....well actually two protimes because the results were so erratic after about a year, and then we got the Coaguchek. I find Roche is excellent on customer support----24-7. We do use the tenderletts to stick, instead of the "pen" we got with the Coaguchek, and also use the capillary refill tubes that QAS also sells.

Overall, it's Coaguchek yes, Protime, NAY in my book.

More on Coagucheck

More on Coagucheck

When did they take the Coagucheck off the home market for the US? We were given this info in August. So are they marketing the "Professional S Model" for home use? So the Coagucheck comes with a pen, and we should instead try to get tenderlette sticks? What else will be needed for supplies and does everyone have their things mailed to them or do you get them from a medical supply store. We live in a more remote area of Northern Minnestoa and I contacted our 2 medical supply stores and they had no idea about home INR monitoring....Never heard of it! Thanks again, you guys are great help.

Will also go and check the website clickerticker, thanks...

I forget just when Coaguchek pulled them from the consumer market. They are supposed to be coming back in a year or two or so I've heard, so don't hold that as gospel.

You'll have to get your supplies from whomever your contract with or your insurance does and they are mailed or shipped to you. The finger sticker is fine, though some prefer getting tenderletts if they can. It's not a option in most circumstances unless you want to pay for them yourself.

You might want to check with Tapestry and see what the deal is. They may have a special program running from Coaguchek since I know Mayo introduced this whole thing this year.
Hi Natanni

We get all our supplies....tenderletts, coaguchek supplies, and capillary refill tubes from QAS....the only complaint i have with them is that they never put enough ice packs in their we hurry and get them to the refrig as soon as we get, I now only order them in the winter....
I have mentioned it whenever I place an order, and they always say they'll put plenty in, but it never seems to happen. Aside from that, they're real good about billing our insurance and shipping promptly. We haven't tried anyone else.
