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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada

I have not posted anything for a while but I do have a concern and thought someone out there might beable to help me. In the past 3 months my kidney function has demenished. My Creatinine levels have been rising and my gradient flow rate has been dropping. It went from 90 to 56 and now it is at 45. I have a BAV, AS and LVH. Would loss of Kidney function be related to my heart problems? I had an echo cardiogram 2 deays ago but have not seen the results yet. Over the last 6 months or so I really notice that I get short of breath going up a flight of stairs and in the last month or so I also get short of breath laying down. Has this happened to anyone. Need advice.


I've been dealing with a diagnosis of CKD (evidently the function had been declining prior to my BAV diagnosis)-stage 3 for me. For the past 2 months, I've now had to deal with falling Potassium. Despite the rx supplements, still falling. So now I have to see an endocrinologist to see if there is a problem with my adrenal glands. I've asked the same it possible that these problems are related? Caused by the same genetic fault? So far, no satisfactory answers. Hope you find some answers.


Sometimes cardiac problems bring on kidney problems. Have you seen a nephrologist (not a urologist), or has your cardio consulted with one?
What is your creatinine level? Also, what is your hematocrit? You may be anemic, which is not uncommon with kidney problems.
You need to light a fire under your doctor(s) so this can be addressed and fixed PDQ.
Good luck.