Chris Looks Bionic

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Just got in the door from the hospital. Chris was throwing up when we left from Morphine, but he should be coming home tomorrow if he feels up to it. He already wants the hell out of there. He's ready.

Surgery went well. Now to see if this contraption works and has his foot level in 3 weeks.

So glad to know that the surgery went well ... thoughts/prayers for continued recovery, including coming home tomorrow!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I can't stay on your morfeine, cause it's making me itch" ... Pink ... 'Just Like A Pill'
Just stopped here for a minute hoping on some word on Chris. We're all with you on hoping this surgery does exactly what it is meant to do. I'm sure he feels miserable being so sick to his stomach. I've been there and it isn't any fun. Prayers of thanksgiving though for bringing him one more step.
So glad to read that things went well and will keep you all in our prayers. Get some sleep tonight Ross and Lyn and hope you get to take Chris home tomorrow.

That is great news. One small step forward, and we will take all of the good news we can get!

Ross -

Ross -

I can read between the lines on your posts - you are such a good, loving daddy - you talk tough, but it is so obvious how much love you have for Chris. Your son is lucky to have you as his father. I'm glad the surgery went well and that Chris's foot will heal up perfectly.

Like all have said, now YOU (Ross) get some rest - or at least try. :)

Christina L
Oh great!...shame he is spewing-up but maybe they will give him a shot of something to fix that for him...
Good luck in having the bionic-man home again real soon...

Now as everyone has said .....GO TO BED!
I can sympathize with the morphine/blech....praying this does the trick for him and that he'll be home soon!
Wow Bionic! Glad all went well and hope the therapy goes well also.

I'm glad Chris can count one more hurdle behind him. I'm sure his dad has taught him a thing or two about perseverance over the years that will serve him well in the coming weeks. I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed.

BTW, Randy's right about the pix!:D
I'll get pics when I get him home. Lawyer needs them too! ;)

His foot is literally suspended in this thing. Right now, they have it all wrapped up kind of weird like. Looks like he has a miniture snowboard strapped to his foot and a graduation cap placed just above? the framing ring. It's funky, I'll give ya that. I had some xray shots of all the hardware in this thing somewhere, but I can't find them nor do I remember what I named them. KRSS is kicking in heavy these days.
Ross - I'm a few days behind! I am glad to here all went well so far. You all are still in my prayers! Vomit - yuk!! That's makes you feel about as bad as anything.
Wow!:eek: That device looks like one of those head torture thingies. It must work so let it do it's job and say a prayer, knock on wood, and stride to be victorious.