Cholesterol change after surgery

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Weird question. Had MVR in July 2005. No problems, back to work and feel good. Had a physical in January because the Navy says coumadin is too much of a risk to be on active duty (now retiring in Feb 07 after almost 22 yrs). Had zero problems with cholesterol before the surgery. When sampled in January, triglycrides were 400. Several tests since have been all over the map. Liver, thyroid, sugar all good. Even Cholesterol, HDL, and LDL still about the same as before. No major changes indiet. Certainly not worse. Just TRI won't cooperate. Anyone had similar problems? Almost seems like something we nukes would call a crud burst (if you do the job you know what I mean). Docs want me to start Lopid to get them down (good thing I home test).


Cholesterol and OHS

Cholesterol and OHS

My situation is a bit different, Chief. I've been having cholesterol checks every six monthes for several years and have never managed to put it into my PCP's comfort zone. I was offered the pill but opted to keep working on the diet and exercise.

As part of the preop I had the cardio cath and it showed all my arteries clear with no problem.

On my last visit to my cardio he put his arm around my shoulder and said "You'll never have to worry about having a heart attack. Your arteries will last another 40 years. And you can forget testing for cholesterol regularly, too." Anyone ever hear of such a benefit? Makes me glad I didn't start the pill.

Seemed weird to me but... I'm going to go fix myself another bacon dipped in mayonaise fried in butter sandwich and contemplate my good fortune. :eek:

Computec said:
I'm going to go fix myself another bacon dipped in mayonaise fried in butter sandwich and contemplate my good fortune./QUOTE]
I think there's some truth in this. I was told that my arteries were completely clear, and my cholesterol was only tested once and was fine. So what's my conclusion? Bacon is good for me!
I had a slightly elevated cholesterol test over a year ago, and the cardio recommended some natural remedies -- but I had the test over Christmas break when my kids were home and I was eating anything but healthy food. I pigged out on pizza, and had the cholesterol test the next morning.
This may all be way off the mark, but two cents worth is cheap.
I was good to go after the cath too. I never had a problem. Maybe in a few months it will settle down. I'm not fat by any stretch, but losing 15 couldn't hurt either.
I have had a high cholesterol for 30 years. always over 250. Been in the 300's several times. I have been on MEDS off and on most of those years. When I had my Cath, they said I was clear everywhere. I have not takin any cholesterol Meds after surgery actually had to quit all the drugs they sent me home with because I could not drink or eat without throwing up. So I gotr better and never started any of the MEDS back even tho One of my Docs said too. Who do you believe? Well I for one do not know. BTW I never stopped taking my coumadin.

I personally believe that cholestol Meds are over prescribed to the public.
funny you should mention this... joey's cholesterol has been climbing over the last few years...
mine is so low even though we eat the identical foods. go figure.. genetics.

my brother had really high cholesterol. he went on a strict regimen of increasing his running mileage and cutting out fats... his cholesterol went down 25 pts.
it was so much work though that he investigated it all and has this new system..... i will post it, but heart patients really need TO CHECK IT OUT BEFORE TRYING IT...
in any case, his cholesterol is down to 150 (mine is 152).. i am obviously the recessive gene in my family.....

Here's a list of the supplements I (my brother, len) have come to believe in. Recognize that different things will work for different people, and be sure to involve your general practitioner even if these are over the counter:
1. a good multivitamin. I take NOW Adam Superior Men's Multi (GMP certified). It has the hefty doses of the B vitamins that I seek, but in a better proportion than many of the multi's out there. It aslo has 200 mcg Chromium and 200 IU of Vit. E
2. Nature Made Cholest-Off -- plant sterols/ stanols. also referred to often as Beta Sitosterol (a large component of sterols/ stanols). take a tablet 30 mins. before a meal -- hinders the absorption of fat in the intestine. I think this is one of the best supplement I take, with the most observable results. While I'm a fan of Nature Made products, I know that Atkins makes this, too.
3. Schiff Niacin (Flush Free) (500 mg). Schiff is another high-quality product. Large dosages of B6 have been found to be helpful to lowering cholesterol, though they can strain the liver. But 500 mg (500 plus another 50 from the multivitamin) is not a high dosage relative to the dosages in the studies. The directions on the bottle may recommend a higher dosage, but I advise just taking 1/day.
4. Nature Made Fish Oil Omega-3/ Omega-6 1200 mg. When I have fish for dinner, I take a flaxseed oil capsule instead, but I've gotten the impression that more benefit accrues from the Fish Oil. (I used to also put a tablespoon of ground flaxseed in my oatmeal in the morning, but I've gotten lazy of late.).
5. Drink lots of tea. Green tea and black tea are good, but there's another tea called Jamaica, made from hibiscus flowers. It's supposed to be GREAT for reducing cholesterol. The problem is that I have not been able to find true Jamaica tea, which is made predominantly from the calyces of the hibiscus flower and then has some dried petals in there for coloring, too. The teas that I purchased on the web turned out to be black tea with some hibiscus flowers in it (from and hibiscus tea made from the flower petals (from
In the past, I've taken lots of other stuff. Policosanol gets a lot of press, especially for reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. But it didn't seem to help me much. Plus, the study everyone references was conducted in Cuba, and Policosanol is derived from sugar canes, so I'm skeptical. Avoid Gugullipid -- recent studies show it to be worthless, at best. Garlic pills didn't help me much.
I looked up relevant studies relating to all of the things that I take. You should do the same, and speak with your doctor before taking anything. Good luck.
Len _P.S. Give the above an honest 6 month try. If the above don't do enough, then consider adding red yeast rice to the regimen:
6. Now Red Yeast Rice 600mg with CoQ10 30mg -- probably the most controversial thing I take. Because this contains a statin -- lovastatin (in Mevacor), you MUST get your doctor's okay first and have your blood checked at least quarterly for possible liver damage. I take just one capsule a day before bedtime, and I have found it to be miraculous, even in what turns out to be a much smaller dosage than if I were to take a statin prescribed in pill form by my doctor. The instructions on the bottle might advise a larger dosage, but a single capsule a day has worked wonders.

please be careful and take from it what you can..
be well, sylvia
Hello Chief!

Welcome Aboard! What is your rate? I am a retired ADCS. I retired in June of 97 after 20 years. I have the same problem with cholesterol including the problem with the TRI. The cardiologist put me on Lipitor but had to change to Zocor since Lipitor is not available at the pharmacy. I would much rather not be on the stuff. I asked my cardioloigst why do I have a cholesterol problem after the surgery when it was fine before my surgery. He did not have an answer.


chief911 said:
Weird question. Had MVR in July 2005. No problems, back to work and feel good. Had a physical in January because the Navy says coumadin is too much of a risk to be on active duty (now retiring in Feb 07 after almost 22 yrs). Had zero problems with cholesterol before the surgery. When sampled in January, triglycrides were 400. Several tests since have been all over the map. Liver, thyroid, sugar all good. Even Cholesterol, HDL, and LDL still about the same as before. No major changes indiet. Certainly not worse. Just TRI won't cooperate. Anyone had similar problems? Almost seems like something we nukes would call a crud burst (if you do the job you know what I mean). Docs want me to start Lopid to get them down (good thing I home test).


I was a nuke MMC before I went LDO in 2000. Retiring 2/1/07 so I can get the full high three as on O3-E. I started the Lopid and I would also rather not be on it, I take enough others. The onl problem is the TRI and they don't have an answer for me either.

Well, I guess the only other explanation is that we are getting older. When another cause cannot be found, I guess that is a good of cause as any.

Nature Made Cholest-Off

Nature Made Cholest-Off

I tried Nature Made Cholest-Off for 3 months as I did not want to take Lipitor. My cardio told me that the Nature Made Cholest-Off would not work for me -- I eat fairly healthy and am not overweight. The cardio was right, it didn't work for me.
Here's my story

Here's my story

Last year at this time, before I found out about these heart problems, my total cholesteral was 279. My PCP wanted me on statins but I talked her into letting me try diet. By June, it had gone down to 239. Tested again in November, it was 215. At that time , my HDL was 82 and LDL 106. PCP was happy with that until heart problems were discovered.

I had OHS January 18, 2006, for a mitral valve repair and one bypass.I was given Lipitor in the hospital and then after I came home. Three weeks ago my total cholesteral was 174 but my HDL was only in the 40's and my LDL 103. I also had an elevated enzyme in my liver. Cardiologist took me off Lipitor.

Now I went for another blood check and my liver enzyme is fine. My cardiologist wants me to go back to taking 40 mg of Lipitor daily. I am really trying to eat healthy and am going to Cardiac Rehab 3 times a week. I also walk one mile on the days that I don't do rehab. I want him to hold off on the Lipitor until Cardiac Rehab is over at the end of May and see what my cholesteral is then. Isn't that a reasonable request??? The nurse called me yesterday to tell me to start Lipitor again. I talked to her and she is going to talk to him and call me back today.
Cholesterol change after surgery

This is my first post and I am ever so thankful for all who have posted things.

I also like yesterday received word that my Cholesterol was now high after surgery. The one they want to be 200 is 255 and another is high. Sorry can?t remember the numbers. I am already on a strict diet so this was rather a surprise and based on what I learned from a Book by Dr. Clark ?The cure for all diseases? I was not surprised. I figured, if she was correct then others after heart surgery should have the same problem. That is very basically cholesterol is the body?s method of dealing with or patching up (lots of technical terms for this) problems with the arteries. So I figured all this cath work and others are like an assault on my arteries. Oh yes, I also was told by my cardio that he found I was very clean ?normal? in my arteries. He made a point to personally tell me it looked so good. And yes, if diet doesn?t fix my problem they want me on drugs.

I am on cumadin 5mg for six months at the recommendation of my cardio. So I figure when that is done I will follow some of Dr. Clark?s protocols for liver and kidney cleansing. I already do as much as I can to avoid toxins. I anticipate the Cholesterol levels to go down.

So how strict and tracked is my diet? I have no caffine, no decafe, no soda, and so on. Suddenly after heart surgery my heart would go up to 135-147 intermittently for 12 hours at a time. I tracked it to 4 (yes that is all I had for the day) Keebler stripped cookies. Stopped the cookies and I have an even heart beat. I still each chocolate chip, or chocolate in small quantities, just not keebler.

I am every so very thankful for those who have posted to this web site.

Now I went for another blood check and my liver enzyme is fine. My cardiologist wants me to go back to taking 40 mg of Lipitor daily

Praline, I can't imagine why he wants you to go back on Lipitor after you already had an elevated enzyme when you were on it before.

I also have high cholesterol and take pravachol and zetia- no heart problems yet (knock on wood) so I've never had a cath, but my Dad had his first heart attack in his 40's and never had high cholesterol and my Mom who had a history of high cholesterol never had a heart problem until her 80's. I still question the connection between high cholesterol and blocked arteries- look how many of you had clean arteries when you had your cath.:confused:


Here is the rest of my cholesteral story. I talked to the cardiologist(March 06) and talked him down from 40mg to 20 mg of Lipitor. I had another check May 5 and total cholesteral went from 215 to 129! My LDL was 52 from over 100.. Now I am off Lipitor and he wants my LDL to be no higher than 75. I have to go for another check Monday, June 26. But I have been on vacation to MA and eating out a lot up there. I tried to keep it healthy but ....We'll see what happens. I really do not want to go back on Lipitor but he feels that I need to keep my LDL low because of the fact that I had a blockage.
Praline said:
Here is the rest of my cholesteral story. I talked to the cardiologist(March 06) and talked him down from 40mg to 20 mg of Lipitor. I had another check May 5 and total cholesteral went from 215 to 129! My LDL was 52 from over 100.. Now I am off Lipitor and he wants my LDL to be no higher than 75. I have to go for another check Monday, June 26. But I have been on vacation to MA and eating out a lot up there. I tried to keep it healthy but ....We'll see what happens. I really do not want to go back on Lipitor but he feels that I need to keep my LDL low because of the fact that I had a blockage.
Praline, I had trouble with 40mg of Pravachol (aching legs) and talked my pcp down to 20mg which I can tolerate, but it didn't bring the numbers down low enough to her satisfaction so she added Zetia.- that worked miracles and I have had no problem with it. Many people take Zetia alone and it works so you might try asking about that, but I would be most concerned about the liver enzymes- make sure that he keeps watch on those no matter what you end up taking. It sounds like with diet and exercise, you may be able to control it yourself. Best wishes,