Chloe's cardiac letter!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
Hi all,

I'm so sorry for not being around much lately and feel a bit guilty for posting when I've not been around to give much support, but I was just so pleased with a letter from Chloe's consultant that we recieved this morning and I wanted to share it with you! I had to ring and ask him for a letter to confirm she was fit to fly for something we may be doing later this year and he got onto it very quickly for us I have to say!

First it lists her surgeries and drugs, then goes on to say...

'Chloe has been making good progress following the above operations for her complete atrioventricular spetal defect. She has good exercise tolerance and does not get breathless.

She was last reviewed in July 2006 when she showed good left ventricular function, an ejection fraction of 78% and fractional shortening 40%. Prosthetic valve function was normal and there was no residual shunting.

She is certainly fit to fly...'

Although I knew what ejection fraction and was VERY excited by that number, I had to remind myself what fractional shortening was by a quick google search and was pleased with that number too! And I know I knew all this already really but seeing how well her heart is doing written down has brought a smile to my face today and just wanted to share!

Lots of love

We know there are many members who actually have lives outside of so don't be sorry for living yours.;) :D ;)

Thanks for sharing your good news. I hope your plans for later this year turn out okay and you have lots of fun.
Awesome news!!!!
I often look at my little ones - and think I do NOT know how you parents do it. Anxiety over your own health is one thing - but about your kids :eek: - well, my hat is off to you!! and my heart goes out to you!!

Best wishes for years of continued success!!


Hi Emma, happy to hear everything's ok. I haven't posted much for a while either as I'm now getting ready to fly to Scotland this coming Thursday to be with Joe. I've also been in touch with my cardio to see about the same thing and he said I'm doing fine and can go on planes. It will take me about 15 hours between Brazil and Scotland all in and although I don't really enjoy flying, I'm so excited about beginning a new life that I'm not that bothered! Where are you planning on travelling to anyway?
Thats great news Emma...I bet Chloe is a bundle of energy now...that sure is a cute piccy of her in your avatar. Congrats on a super report.
Emma, thanks so much for sharing that. It's good to know one of our special little princesses is doing so well.

And shame on you for being too busy to post here. You would think you had a young child at home or something!!!!!:D

We'll take you when we can get you!