Chest Pain and Pressure....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Guys and Gals,
I was just wondering if any of y'all have or had the same thing going on....I have been noticing lately that if I start to feel stressed out and angry, that my chest pressure and chest pain and sob seem to increase to an uncomfortable does slowly subside most of the time, but I wanted to see if anyone else has or had this going on, and what they did or do to help it. Also I was wondering if you had mentioned this to your doc(s) and what they have recommended. Thanks in advance....Harrybaby:D
Harry when I had quad bypass, all the staff told me more than once to stay away from anger and stress as much as possible. Last year when my brother was so grave, I ended up in the hospital, too. Stress induced chest pains. I asked the dr in the ER if the pain was caused by extreme stress. He told me that stress can affect every part of your body, both physically and mentally. You just must stay as calm as you can and try not to let things bother you, even if you just have to walk away from it til you calm down. That's hard, but you gotta try anyway. Blessins.....
Thanks Hensy....I feel as though I am a walking time bomb...

Thanks Hensy....I feel as though I am a walking time bomb...

I am doing my best not to get stressed out with everything going on right now, but it's hard not to, as you have's funny, my PCP tells me that I have CAD and yet, in September, when I had another heart cath done, the Cardiologist who did it, told me that my arteries were clear as day....This having heart/valve trouble is baffling and overwhelming...Thanks for your input Hensy.....Blessin's right back at you:D :D :D
Hi Harry,

Yes, I also get chest pains when I get stressed and I have had a lot of stress later. This is 4½ after the surgery. It is so easy to say "don't stress" but so hard to put that into practise.

I do find exercise (running for me) helps to reduce stress and fitness also helps reduce my chest pains. The doctors have no answers to my questions on this.

New motto: You don't have to go to every fight you are invited to.

Yes, I'll chime in with another "stress can affect your whole body" So it wouldn't be surprising if you had chest pain and got SOB if you are under stress. Nonetheless, I would run it by your doc anyway. Always a good idea.

Deep breathing, exercise (within your limits...walking?) laughing at a good movie, getting away from the stressor when you can, can all help somewhat. Music is another good one, and don't forget calming aromas...candles or scented oils. Not necessarily for the whole house, just for you.

Take care, Harry
Stan925 said:
It is so easy to say "don't stress" but so hard to put that into practise.


I, too, have similar issues, Harry. If I get stressed, my body certainly tells me. I try to limit stress, but it isn't always easy.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I never back down and I love a good challenge" ... Hank Williams Jr ... 'Born To Boogie'
I used to get chest pains. Ever since I stopped lifting heavy weights (I don't lift over 40#), mine stopped. I tested this theory once by lifting a heavy electricians drill twice (50#?) and got slight chest pains. I don't know if that helps or not.


1995 - TIAs (mini strokes) started, Aspirin started.
1996 - BAV diagnosed.
2003 - PFO (hole in heart) fixed w/Amplatzer. 3 catheters up the legs.
2003 - FVL (clotting disorder) diagnosed, Coumadin started.
2/16/07 - BAV w/severe stenosis, Mechanical Valve, Dr. Suri, Mayo Clinic.

Expect the best. Prepare for the worse.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.
It sure does Art Den Lady......

It sure does Art Den Lady......

At least I can be assured that it's NOT in my head....I feel like a walking time bomb though I have to say....:eek: :D :eek: Harrybaby:D
Choose Your Battles

Choose Your Battles


this little ditty has helped me immensely. breathe...
Sorry you are feeling worse these days, Harry. FWIW it wasn't just the bad things that made me feel bad. My daughter's high school volleyball team won the State Championship in 2003 and I had to stop cheering because I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest and I got VERY dizzy. (and I was just at moderate stenosis at that point). I stopped going to intense movies (well, I've never really liked them that much) because I would come away from the movie feeling like I had come down with a massive flu bug...achey and weak.

Stress comes in all forms. Please do talk to your doctor and please be careful with yourself.

:) Marguerite
I would mention this to my DOC If I were you. It is probably just an elevation of adrenalin caused by stress and elevating your heart rate and resperations but, there is always the chance of an under lying heart problem that is aggrevated by stress.
