Catman's TEE

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catwoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
Well, John tried to post from home as "catman" yesterday, but we had internet problems, so I'm posting for him from work.

John had his TEE yesterday, and I was relieved that the initial results showed his mitral valve to be repairable. The cardiologist doing the echo said at least one, maybe 2 (I don't remember the #), of the chordae has/have ruptured. Does not appear to have any degeneration of the leaflets (myxomatous tissue) or thickening. Said to have surgery w/in 3-6 months.
This supports everyone's belief that the MVR is related to his car accident in December 2005 in which his sternum was fractured.

John said the TEE was pretty much a breeze. The interior of his mouth is smaller than usual, so we weren't sure if he'd be able to swallow the tubing. The nurse said if he couldn't and if they weren't able to get an anesthesiologist ASAP, the procedure would be rescheduled and then done under general anesthesia.
He was a very good patient and swallowed when they said, "SWALLOW!"

His procedure was done about 8:30 a.m. or so. We left the hospital about 11:30-11:45. He was able to eat pancakes for lunch.

John will see our cardiologist @ 2 p.m. Feb. 15. I'll go w/ him, and then we'll see the surgeon(s) in Dallas at the Heart Place practice adjacent to Baylor Hospital.

We hope to get this done pretty soon. Yesterday, my mom (who will be 80 next month but in pretty good health) was scheduled for knee joint replacement May 22, so we don't want both surgeries done in May. Too much stress on our family.

(The cardio doing the TEE & the nurses were surprised that I had had MV replacement and was knowledgeable about the mitral valve. Also surprised that I do my own INR testing & adjusting my warfarin dose. :) )
Glad the TEE went well for John. John's a better patient than me; I did what they told me, but hated the spray with a vengeance. Sounds like a good result with the probability of repair. Best wishes regarding the upcoming doc/surgeon visits.
Hi Marsha....

Glad to hear the TEE went well.

I have to offer this info...not to scare you. To protect your husbands interest. We had a friend (35) requiring mitral valve repair or replacement in the near future. His NW doc in Chicago said he could wait 6 months. Cleared him for full activity. He was a very physcially fit guy. Enjoyed exercising. Enjoyed may things in life like spending time with his wife and young children. 3 weeks ago he passed away on his treadmill during his AM exercise routine. I don't really think doctors can put a time limit on it....if the case is severe that is. Has he had a cath? Also....the ruptured chordae..... I would think that would be a pretty urgent situation. Maybe another opinion would not be a bad idea.

Good luck to you both:)

Glad the TEE went well for John.


Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Life has been patiently waiting for me" ... Rascal Flatts ... 'I'm Moving On'
That's great that the TEE went well for John. Like Wise, I absolutely abhored the spray and other guck I had to swallow before swallowing the tube. I think it was worse than the surgery!!

To LUVMyBirman: I had two ruptured chordae. With me, it was not really the ruptured chordae that made the situation urgent since my valve already had 4+ regurgitation. Now, it may be different for John since the ruptured chordae seem to be from the accident and caused an abrubt difference in how the valve was working.
I am glad things went so well. The TEE can be a struggle for some of us and it is always nice to hear when one is "easy".

Best of luck with the surgeon. John is very lucky to have you.


Hi Marsha, Glad to see that John's Tee went well and he can have a repair. I hope it happens asap and all goes well (you guys sure have more than your share of 'valve' stuff going on). He is lucky to have you by his side. Best Wishes to you both. Jacqui.
Great news, Marsha. Best wishes for a successful repair and as easy a time with the surgery as he had with the TEE.
A repair is always the best outcome. I'm very happy to hear that it looks good for a repair, and that it was likely from an injury, and not a progressive problem. Wonderful news!

Best wishes,
Hi Catwoman
Im glad the TEE went well. I had one a month ago and I thought it was a piece of cake. Useless axiety prior to pocedure.
Good luck to John