Catching Fish

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Pleas email me that link, I am having computer problems and can't open links.

That clip is just amazing! I don't think I'd have believed it if I didn't see it myself! Crazy! Apparently the buggers are closing in on Lake Michigan, too!
Well it says to view it you must be a comcast internet customer which I am not. I have RoadRunner
Drats! It was a story about this fishing contest on a river in IL, where you couldn't use fishing poles to catch the fish. There's so many of these pest fish in the river (can't think of the name right now) that a boat motor makes them all jump out of the water and fly through the air. They just jump into boats. One guy got his nose broken by one.
Yes, Randy, it worked for me. You click under the picture of the guy in red plaid on the right where it says "Flying Foreign Fish," and you have to listen to David Caruso plug CSI Miami for ~40 seconds and then the fish video starts. I hope you can get it to work--it's pretty wild.
Jumpin Fish

Jumpin Fish

Talk about fish jumpin in the boat. roflmao

Watch This!

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day

Put a man in a boat and send him down a river and.....