cardio vs surgeon

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richie rich

Hi everyone

I want to thank everyone who has replied to my posts. I have another question.

I will be going to see a few surgeons over the next few days. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion about recommendations by the cardiologist versus the surgeon in regards to how to handle my surgey.

Do surgeons tend to be more aggressive in their thought process. Are they willing to take more risk then the cardio's. My cardio feels that a mechanical valve is the only way to go but he is sending me to NYU to get a feel on new procedures being done in the field of valve replacement. First he thought I should do a Ross then he changed his mind. He is a family frined and I am getting the feeling that he is being very conservative with me.

I know that I have to be comfortable with whatever valve or procedure that I do and that my cardio and surgeon must be on the same page. I am just looking for thoughts and situations that other have had when they were searching for surgeons.

There are many factors which go into the final selection of the right valve or repair for you. Your surgeon is the one who can make the recommendations regarding which valves would be appropriate for you, given your age, health and the condition and situation of your heart and valves and cardiac system.

Also, each surgeon, no doubt, has certain valves and procedures which they feel most comfortable with, and a lot has to do with the type of equipment available in a given hospital.

A lot can be determined by the testing that is done pre surgery, but the final determination will be made when you are "opened up".
Hi Rich

When Tyce was discussing valve replacement, our cardio told him that he thought the mechanical was the best way to go for him because of his age (59) and the fact that we both didn't want to put him through another surgery in 10-15 years if necessary. The coumadin wasn't really an issue then and still isn't one today. Our cardio is also a friend, and one who wouldn't steer us wrong. We also consulted with another friend, who is a cardio, in Virginia, and he basically said the same thing---mechanical is known, best, and keeps on tickin.

When we talked with Dr. Taylor of St. Francis, he agreed with the cardio. We asked him about the Ross procedure and minimally invasive surgery---he wasn't all that psyched about it...maybe because he doesn't do it or whatever, but he wanted to be able to get in if there was a problem and was also concerned with post op problems with it. Actually, with 3 for, we decided to go with the St. Jude's valve.

As I mentioned in my last post, we couldn't have been happier with St. Francis and Dr. Taylor. Everyone has to make their own decisions, and you are on the right track asking lots of questions before you make yours.

Don't know if you got a chance to see Dr. Taylor....let us know what you decide.

Hi Rich - This is just an opinion, but I would guess that surgeons would be more aggressive about the solution. They do valve after valve everyday and it is the only thing they think about and experience. Cardiologists respond to all kinds of other heart problems and likely don't have as much detailed knowledge.

Another view is that these are just people and one might just be more aggressive than another.

Did this help or what?


heart surg aggessive or just very confident? Either way I would rather have him be a little erogent and sure of himself then be a great conversationalist with less skills. The cardo. I want one that is a great communicater. As for there knolege base, keep in mind this when you ask them ?s...the surg. knows what techniques he/she is best at. ?s so limit the ?s you ask him to those about the time you will be in his care(the OR). Ask the cardiologist about understanding tests and prognosis. Each will know little of the others world. They are not the same thing!!

One personal thought...DON'T use a friend! I have several cardiologist friends My Dr. is not one of them. It makes tuff situations tuffer.

Thats my 2cents worth.
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