Can I take coumaidn tab along with BP tab?

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As always you should check with your doctor ... I take both of mine in the morning in one gulp but might depend on the meds ... I take Toprol and Coumadin at the same time and have never had a problem.
I have taken BP(40mg Lisinopril + 25mg Atenolol) with 5mg Warfarin in the morning for several years. I also take vitamin and allergy pill at that time. My experience is that combining my daily maintenance drugs doesn't matter and it does make life simpler.:D


I always think it's best to consult your doctor with questions concerning meds. This question could probably be answered by your doctor with a simple telephone call.

My cardiologist doesn't care when I take meds.

Actually, I would ask a pharmacist, if you're concerned about any interaction from taking two meds @ the same time.
Even though doctors have a PDA w/Rx info (mine carries his from treatment room to treatment room), pharmacists deal with questions like these all day long and have PDRs (or their equivalent in each country) in the pharmacy.

And remember: In some areas, pharmacists run Coumadin clinics (think: Al Lodwick).