Brunoandbear's avr is Monday, April 6

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Best wishes, Brian, on Monday's attempted repair of your aortic valve and aortic anuerysm. You will have surgery at a first class medical facility and that bodes well for a great outcome.
I wish you a quick, easy, recovery, and I hope you have a method of letting us know of your progress.
God bless and Godspeed!
Wishing you all the best for your surgery on Monday, and best wishes for an uneventful, quick recovery.

Thanks all! :)

I had my pre-op today and we were there a few hours and asked a lot of questions. They have private CCU rooms which I did not expect and also the regular rooms are private also. Some of the rooms even have wireless internet so that will be a big help if they do, though, from what I read on here most of ya'll weren't really feeling like getting on the internet while in the Hospital.

I have a great group of friends and they are all going to take turns staying the night with me each day there, as well as my wife so I am very blessed to have them all. I am amazed at how helpful they are being and willing to take so much time out of their days and lives to be with us.

My wife's father is also flying down on Tuesday to help my wife clean our place and he will stay with us for the next month which will be wonderful to have him when I go for walks. So, the only thing that I have to do is show up for Surgery on Monday - it is at 7:30 AM and they want me to be there at 5:30 AM, get through it, and recover. :) Easier said than done, yes, but it is a road I am ready for.
Having strong supporters will make a big differences as it's easy to fall into depression when you're too weak to do much of anything. Just remember, even if you run into problems it's all just temporary, it will be over before you know it and you'll be recovery comfortably at home.
Hope everything goes as planned. Be sure to get your rest, and not to many visitors the first couple days of recovery. Good luck & God Bless. :D
May you have a quiet and speedy recovery!
Who is doing the surgery? Which way did you opt to go?
Good luck Brian, wishing you sucessful surgery with no complications and a speedy recovery
May you have a quiet and speedy recovery!
Who is doing the surgery? Which way did you opt to go?


I decided to have Dr. Chen do it - this is what he specializes in and my wife feels the most comfortable with him. We're going to have him try and repair the valve as it is in very good shape, and if he can't, put a mechanical one in.

I'll try and say hi to him for you. :)
You can't go wrong with Dr. Chen. He is very good.
As for Emory you have to love private rooms and pull out beds for the wife to stay in the room. plus if you have a laptop with WIFI its in the room for free as well. Just don't let those nurses yell at you when you start walking. One yelled at me for not standing up straight lol.
Thank you everyone for your support and great words! I am off to the hospital, however we aren't sure if we will have the surgery or not as my Wife (a Kindergarten Teacher) woke up with pinkeye this morning. I'll be sure to have her post if I do have it today but we're going to go see what they say.
Wishing you all the best, you sound as though you have got a great family to support you and each other.
Thinking of you, let us know how things go.
With love Jane
Wishing you the best of luck for your surgery.

I can sympathise with your wife because I am a kindy teacher too, and last Monday I woke up with pinkeye! Uncanny! Anyway I got antibiotic drops and it quickly cleared up.

I hope your surgery can still go ahead.

I missed posting before you went for surgery but I am praying for you speedy recovery!!! You should be back here posting soon!!!