braggin' up my baby

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I spent the whole weekend watching live stats from LSU on the computer where my daughter was playing softball. As I told some of you already she plays 3rd base for Depaul University in Chicago. This is her last year and we have been lucky enough to follow a good team for the last 3 years. My daughter has always been good defensively but struggled with the bat. Well I guess this weekend she was going to show everyone that she is a senoir now. Depaul walked off this morning with a record of 5 and 0. They beat the number 7 team in the country when they beat LSU last night. My daughter went 6 for14 with 2 RBIs. She also had 25 assists. Right now her batting average is 429. This could all fall apart in two weeks when they go to Columbus Georgia but for now I'm going to bask in the glory. I am so proud of her.


Who are they playing in Columbus, Ga.?..I wish I lived closer..I'm in North Georgia..I went yesterday and watched my 10 year old Grandson play basketball. He and his best friend who looks just like the Dennis the Menace:D are the point guards and bring the ball out and down the court dribbling to set it up for taller guys..I whooped the loudest in the gym. Had my 6 wek old grandson in carrier between me and Daddy. Never woke up.:D I know how you feel. my daughter played basketball from 7th-12th grade. I'd hollar Shoot the ball. She said she could hear me above the entire crowd. I asked my grandson if I embarrassed him. He said no I ignore you:p but where does he look when he does something great..Straight at me. ..and grins:p :p :p Bonnie
P.S. Peggy

P.S. Peggy

This a strange time to be playing softball? Where do they practice in Ill.? I thought softball was a Spring sport. Bonnie


I know what you mean about yelling at games. There were many days I lost my voice. Especially basketball. My daughter was a three sport athlete in high school. Vollyball, basketball and softball. The basketball team went to state twice when she played and her softball team went to state once. Her favorite was basketball and she was offered scholorships to play from 2 colleges but they were Division 2 and she wanted to play Division 1 sports. So when Depaul made the offer, she jumped for it. I was really scared when she moved up to the city, me being a country girl and all, but I'm okay with it now. I'm up there myself now, three to four days a week, when she plays at home. They don't have their first home game until the end of March. Until then they travel. This weekend was Baton Rouge. In two weeks it will be Georgia. Then on Cal. Houston and the southeast. They have an indoor practice facility and they fly whereever they go. All this and a college education too. We're very lucky and she's very blessed.