Bob's dad passed away this evening

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My husband Bob lost his dad to a sepsis infection a few hours ago. He had started dialysis about ten days ago in an effort to reduce the right-sided heart failure he was suffering from.
Jerry, who was 80, was a practicing pharmacist up until this past month. He was clear thinking right up to the end, and as he made the ride to the hospital in the ambulance, he directed that if he coded, there should be no efforts to resucitate him.
I know he is celebrating in heaven tonight.
So sorry to hear this, Mary. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear this, Mary...My prayers go out to all of you...Everyone be careful driving over today.....with the 4th traffic......Bonnie
Oh Mary, I am so sorry to hear this and our deepest sympathy to Bob and all of you. I hope that in time all of your fond memories of Bob's Dad and his life well-lived will cheer you and inspire you.
So sorry Mary

So sorry Mary

It is sad to lose a father, but then you realize that he had 80 year to live a productive life, which is what I hope people will remember about him. Seems like he was making wise choices right till the end. You and Bob are blessed to have had him in your life for so long.
May the many wonderful memories of him comfort your family as you grieve.
Mary, my sympathies to your and your husband Bob on the loss of his dad. He sounded like a truly vibrant guy right up until the end. I'm sure he will be greatly missed...hopefully memories will be of comfort.
Mary, I am so sorry....

Mary, I am so sorry....

I am sorry for you and your family's loss....Please know that you all have my strongest prayers and heartfelt condolences and Huge ((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))) from ole Harrybaby:( :eek: :(


Dear Mary, I too am sorry for your loss, and like Karlynn, hope memories will help you all through this. Did Bob have a chance to be with him near the end? Your valve brother, Brian
It is sad to hear of your loss. Sounds like he lived a full and productive life right on til the end. that is what we all would love to do. Condolences to you all. Blessins...........
God Bless him and take care of his family during this sad time.

Dialysis is a very, very difficult road to travel. Joe was on it for several months before he passed away, and there was nothing pleasant about it at all. Infection is always out there just waiting for the opportunity to strike because of all the blood access that is needed.

I am sorry for your loss.