blood pressure

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
I was just wondering after mechanical aorta valve replacement and root and aorta dacron graft surgery what did your blood pressure run? ( I'm talking like months after surgery) On meds or off, and what meds? Thanks Cathy
This is one of those questions that can't really be answered because everyone is different. Mine always ran kind of high around 130/90 until I had a GI bleed. Since then, it's been 90/60 or there abouts.
Mine was very high prior to being put on meds for it...with meds it sat at around 140/80 for years until I learnt I had an aneurysm and demanded my BP be was very stubborn and with alot of meds it went down a after AVR it is easily controlled with a Beta-blocker and my dose has decreased from 100mg twice a day with an ace inhibitor as well to down to 50mg BB twice a day and no Ace BP is now really steady at around 100/60....This is over the course of 2 years, it went down slowly but steadily.

I have had alot less worry and difficulty maintaining steady low BP after AVR than before.

Like Ross said..everyone is very different regarding BP but I know its useful to hear what has happened to others.
ausigirl and ross

ausigirl and ross

thanks so much for your input, it does help to know what others have experienced. My husband is on norvasc and diovan his has been pretty stable at 120/70 but usually his left arm is always higher on top # by 5 or 10. Does this happen to anyone else or does it mean anything? Dr. never seemed conserned. Sometimes when we go to bed and I lay up against him I can feel his body pulsating until he falls asleep then it usually goes away. We also can see his vein in one arm pulsate.
My left arm is always about 10 to 15 # higher than my right arm (top #) I asked my Gp's nurse and she said that is normal. I can see the vein in my hand pulse at times, sure looks weird! My Bp is around 135/85 average, but none of the doctors seem to concerned about that??!