Blocked nose, surgery postponed

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2005
This morning I was about to step in my car for a two hour drive to the hospital when I decided to call my doctor about a minor cold and blocked nose I experienced during the last couple of nights. Although this nose thingy does not bother me during the day, he said it was unacceptable to have an AVR while your nose, throat, or ear is not free from any kind of inflammation, or "focus" as he remarked. The surgery has now been postponed and I'll need to check in next week to see how things are progressing. Major bummer.... :(

Best wishes,
So sorry for this delay, Dustin. I took you off the calendar for Tuesday so let us know when you have a new date. Maybe it was meant to be- we were all asleep at the wheel, didn't realize you were headed in today, and forgot to give you a royal send-off!:eek: Best wishes for a short delay and we'll be here, waiting to hear of your new date.
I can only imagine your disappointment at the delay, but as Ross says, you wouldn't want to undergo surgery with any type of upper respiratory problems.
Let us know when you get the new date.
You will have to believe that this is for the better. I can't imagine needing to sneeze/blow my nose or cough immediately after OHS.
I know it must be very disapointing, but trust that the reschedule will help you to be healthier and to recover faster!

I know of a lady who had a bit of stuffiness with her surgery, and she ended up with a staph infection in her sinuses.. she is still taking antibiotics 12mo out.. so your surgeon made a wise decsion.

Get healthy..then give us the new date so we can start praying and sending you well wishes.. the great send off party Phyllis spoke of!
I can imagine your frustration, but I'll echo others in that you definitely made the right call.

I felt as if I had waited so long for my surgery that I simply wasn't going to let anything stop it! For a month before, I was very careful to wash my hands frequently. I avoided touching doorknobs, railings, anything where others may have left germs. I bought a little bottle of sanitizning gel for the car. Grocery cart handles are notorious for germs. I could make my purchases, get into the car, and de-germ my hands without a sink and soap. I also upped my orange juice intake (if that is possible, I live on the stuff) and got plenty of rest. There is a product here in the states called Zicam. There is some controversy about it (some claim it permanently deletes their sense of smell) but I don't buy it. I purchase the gel version and do not use their applicator. I just squish some out onto a kleenex tissue, dip a cotton swab (q-tip) and very carefully moisten just a wee bit of the inner edge of each nostril. Then you press your nose closed for 15 seconds. It is a zinc product and I find it works beautifully. But you must investigate it and judge for yourself.

Of course, if it's allergies for you, I don't have any advice. Here in Oregon (similar latititude?) we are having the worst allergy season ever. Very unusual.....NO rain! In the continental US, I think our 3 cities are at the top (literally 1, 2, 3!) of the list most days!

Again. This feels like a setback, but you were very wise to call it off. Best of luck getting better. Please keep us posted on the new date!

:) Marguerite
Sorry to hear this, Dustin - it's so hard to get all amped up to take the plunge and have it fizzle out.

But - these things happen for a reason. And ditto the others - you simply do NOT want to have an upper respiratory infection when you have your surgery. Any chance this is an allergy (this is prime allergy time over here)? Sounds suspiciously like one since the stuffiness is only at night . . .

Good luck and enjoy your extra times - but stay away from people with colds!
Hey Dustin

Hey Dustin

Ditto what everybody else has said - a big bummer that your surgery is postponed but you definitely don't want to have any upper respiratory thing going on to have to deal with after surgery. Keep us posted about your new date!

Take care,
Georgia said:
Sorry to hear this, Dustin - it's so hard to get all amped up to take the plunge and have it fizzle out.

Yep, it was a serious anti-climax. Getting all worked up and ready to face the AVR monster, only to have it canceled at the last minute due to a stuffy nose.... Bizar but necessary. I really don't know how long this stuffyness will last, but I'm really tired of waiting and waiting. It's like my current life is ending and I desperately want to start my new one with a fixed valve. *sigh*

Keeping the spirit up, that's all we can do,
Glad they decided to wait. I know its a dissapointment after all the worry and anticipation. I had been having trouble with an Ear ache and I ended up in the hospital after having chest pains.After they'd run their tests and knew I needed immediate surgery, I asked the doc if my ear ache was going to interfere with the surgery. They sent the ENT in to see me and he cultured it, gave me some drops, said it looked like "Swimmers Ear". We found out after the surgery that it was a Staph infection. It eventually got into my bloodstream thru a suspect "Pic" line they inserted before sending me home for Vancomycin therapy....Short Story long, I ended up in hospital six days, then released and home 4 days and then they had to rush me back to the hospital with a 102 fever and extreme convulsing chills....sooooo....No ENT problems for surgery.