Big storms moving through--everyone take care

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As my title suggests, we're getting hammered in SE Missouri.:eek: :eek:
I hope everyone takes care who's in the path of this storm.
I'll check back in when it's over . . . no big excitement allowed on the forum until I get back!:p :p :p :p
We're expecting severe thunderstorms here in Southern Ohio this afternoon. Had one go through early this morning also.

Is this the proverbial March "in like a lion"?

Stay safe everyone.
We're expecting big thunderstorms in Georgia this afternoon. I woke up at 4 this morning and it was thundering and lightning already. I drove to work in the storms. It is quiet now but there are more coming through this afternoon. I guess I get to drive home in them. We unplugged all the televisions and the computer before we left the house.
They're talking "THUNDERSNOW" for us!

They're talking "THUNDERSNOW" for us!

I've never heard of thundersnow until a couple of days ago, but apparently it can thunder and lightning while snowing. They are saying if we get this stuff it can dump snow at the rate of 2" per hour.

It is snowing pretty heavily right now, but I don't hear any thunder. Just found out that the schools are closing at 12:30. They probably won't have school tomorrow either and the schools here were already scheduled for Monday and Tuesday off because it's the end of the trimester. My daughter will be thrilled! I on the other hand will have to listen to "I'm bored, there's nothing to do" for the next few days...oh well.

I don't plan on going anywhere until tomorrow night, I hope everything is over and the roads are clear by then.
Enterprise, Alabama

Enterprise, Alabama

Let's all pray for the students in the high-school..On all the Cnn, ect. news now. ..2 deaths so far...Enterprise is near the Fla/Ala line...That storm is heading into Ga. I know Danny (Gadgetman) lives near there. Ann (hensylee lives below there in the Fla Panhandle...Raining hard here. All of Ga. under a tornado watch until 9 P.M.There is a big one near Birmingham now heading East..I hope it doesn't hit Atlanta...:eek: ....Bonnie
unconfirmed reports of 8 dead in Enterprise, Al. City officials can't be reached for confirmation.

I didn't know this thread was here and I just posted on another onel.

this was 20 miles away whe3re my daughter works and it missed us at home, then it traveled northeast into alabama and a bit of our county 20 mi from here.
they are just announcing another tornado in Crenshaw county, Al. Not touched down, but they are saying take cover in case. Also in lower counties of Ga.
I just read about the high school roof collapse ... what a tragedy. Praying for all those in the path of these storms...
I'll take the snow anyday...

I'll take the snow anyday...

over killer tornadoes anyway. I really don't remember getting as much snow as we've gotten in the past week all at once. We've had very little snow the past few winters and this year we really didn't have anything to speak of until last weekend... when we got about 13 inches. Right now I would say there is another 8-10 inches on the ground...and it's still snowing!

Just about every school district in the state has cancelled school for tomorrow, there are blizzard conditions up in Duluth. They've got 50-60mph winds with 2 feet of snow on the ground...not a good combination.

Time to crawl under my covers and hibernate for a little while, at least until tomorrow afternoon or so.
*sigh of relief* (© Cort)

Hi everyone.

I understand my little hometown of Richland, Georgia made the national news (at least on Weather Channel). We had a tornado(s) go thru a little after 4 PM. It sheared off power poles on both sides of our four lane bypass and dropped power lines on the highway. We had to divert all traffic thru our little town. Trees were down in several places on that road too and limited travel to one lane. The twister that dropped the power lines then lifted OVER the nursing home (about 35 residents plus staff), then dropped back down. We had at least 3 businesses destroyed and several damaged. At last count at least 6 homes were destroyed and many more were damaged. The town was littered with debris. By the grace of God no one was seriously injured. Only two walls remain of a historical old church in town.

While trying to get everyone thru our town and rescue folks from the debris, we got a warning about another weather cell heading our way. Everyone reported back to the Fire House to ride this one out. We then got a call that an eighteen wheeler had wrecked and was on fire in the county just south of us. Two of our trucks and personnel went to assist in that fire. While they were there, we got reports that several houses were destroyed and people were trapped. That tornado blew out the four walls of a concrete block house and dropped what was left of the roof on 5 people inside. They were dug out with only minor injuries. The tornado was so strong that it actually pulled up portions of the highway. One fireman said it looked like someone had taken a bulldozer and plowed all the way down to dirt. Only ten feet was left of a 300 foot Georgia Public TV antenna. It then hit Americus about 30 miles away. The hospital was severely damaged and had to be evacuated. A Winn-Dixie grocery store and strip mall were destroyed. One firehouse, along with their equipment, was destroyed. Two deaths were reported there. Not a fun day.

Another two miles North and I would be cleaning up what was left of my house. I finally got home about 1:30 AM this morning. I just got to work.

May God Bless,

Danny :)