Beta Blockers/Rashes

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I have been on Bisoprolol since January. I have had rashes on and off (mostly on) since before then - but only since I started them have they been so bad, particularly on my hands, which get little bubbles forming under the skin which then cause it to crack and bleed.

I have read recently that there's a link between beta blockers and psoriasis? Anyone else have trouble with this - and is there anything that can make it go away? You name it, I've tried it - and the only thing that's worked so far is high doses of Prednisone (nothx to that).

I asked my cardio if I can go off them for a short time to see if I have any improvement.


Thanks all
Hey Melissa,
I have had psoriases since I was 9 years old. It gets better or worse according to the seasons, what I eat etc - the severity of it fluctuates.
A little while ago I started Metoprolol and it started to get a bit worse, then got changed to Amiodarone and it got a LOT worse!:eek:
I am going to my doc today, to change from Amiodarone to Sotalol, which hopefully will improve things a bit. I have been on Sotalol previously and that didn't seem to affect it too much.
I don't know what sort of eating patterns you have, but I read that some people believe that wheat adversely affects psoriases, so I have recently tried to cut out bread and things made from flour. Quite hard, because I LOVE bread:( But we'll see if it makes a difference.
Anyway, good luck.
I have a psoriasis/rosacea looking rash on my face that begins to go away within a day of discontinuing beta blockers. It cracks, peels and it's painful. I told a few doctors about this stuff and they all acted like I was a crack pot.

I use Finacea to treat the rash on my face. It seems to keep it at bay.

At the end of the day, I'd be in a world of trouble without beta blockers... so I take them religiously. I've switched to the BB with fewest side effects for me. It took a while to find a more perfect BB, and Bystolic seems to be the best so far.

There's another member here whose family member developed permanent psoriasis from beta blocker therapy. I imagine he'll talk about it in this thread when he sees it.
I have been on Metoprolol since january and after being on it for a few months have developed a really bad rash/ecezma on my hands as well. I find that Ezema Care by spectro works pretty good. You can get it over the counter.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback.
Hopefully I can get this resolved - it's driving me batsh*t.
When it gets in the way of me cooking, Melissa get angry! ;)

I had an allergic rash to metatoprol.. my entire back broke out on the 2nd day. I went off of it and it disapeared.
Hope you can find out what is causing the rash