Ben Smith's Birthday

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Tho we don't see our buddy, Ben Smith, very often, he used to be with us nearly every day. But we who know him, also know that he is very, very busy and stops by now and again just to say hey. Bur for Ben, I wish to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY on this, your special day. Enjoy every bit of it. God bless:D
Hi Ben,

Just wanted to wish you a very special Birthday. Hope things are well with you and the family, and that things are not quit as hectic for you thisyear as they were last.


ps... Are you planning on going to the lake this year?
Sorry this might be alittle late, but where have you been? Hopefully this year you will go to Chicago so I can meet everybody! Ann-are you going? You NEED to! Happy birthday Ben, even though it is late! :D
Thanks All

Thanks All

Yes, All is well here in the Smith household.
Thank you to each and every one of you that sent your thoughts and prayers to me on my birthday.

I laughed when my mother gave me a hug at church Sunday morning asking her " How does it make YOU feel to know your BABY is 30 now?" She had a small tear in her eye when she replyed that she was extreamly happy to see me here to celebrate my 30th.

And (Sorry to say) yes, this year is starting off to be even more "interesting" than last.
As an example, tonight, Thursday, I have put in approximately 50.5 hours and I have a 6am to some where around 10pm day tomorrow with meetings and getting crews out to a new job (5PM) approximately 3 hours away and returning to be home in the evening with the family.
Anyhow, thanks again and Cindy and I look forward to seeing each of you who make it to Chicago this year. That one is close enough for us to make. God Bless each of you.



I wasn't even near a computer for all of last week, so I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday Ben........

Hope it's OK now, even if it's a bit late.......hope you had a good one.......

30? Gawd you're gettin old, but you still have a nice avatar :D :D :D