Back to work monday

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
Perth, West Australia.
Well after 12 weeks i'm back to work tomorrow (monday 12th)...:mad:

It's been great having the time off to spend with the kids (even though i had to have ohs to get that time off).

Although i'd love more time off (and could probably swing it if i wanted) the money has ran out and i need to start being a bread winner again...

Got to go back full time as the insurance at work will only let you return when you are 100% fit, so i have no option to go back part time for a little while. So expecting to be knackered by friday.

So life returns to normal after i thought it was going to end....

Hope ive been missed...;)
No more lollygagging around for you - it's back to the salt mines! Best wishes.
A return to normalcy has to be welcome, but it's great you were also able to realize a bonafide perq of OHS, namely time with your kids. Do ease yourself back in to the extent that you're able--how helpful that they'll only let you work part time for the time being. I'm sure they did miss your sunny disposition and you'll be welcomed back with much fanfare!:)
Best wishes for a very happy and not too tiring first day back tomorrow.
"So life returns to normal after I thought it would end..."

Beautifully said. Hope the days and this upcoming week aren't too hard on you. Pace yourself and take care.

I recall reading that when people get run down in the afternoons it's usually because they're getting dehydrated. Mid-afternoon we often reach for a soda or a coffee, which will just dehydrate us more, when we really probably need a glass of water. So stay hydrated! Your heart will continue to thank you;).
I'm sure your not 100% yet, so take it easy and don't overdo. I know some jobs require it. Hopefully yours isn't one of them.
I think it's absolutely great news that you're going back to work! To be that well after OHS - congrats! However, you should probably do as everyone says and try to take it easy that first week. Again, how wonderful for you!

Well its nearly 9pm and i'm lying in bed...:rolleyes:

Day went well, didn't think i was tired until i sat down at home.

Not physically tired much but mentally tired at getting back to work and thinking all day long...

Probably a bit physically tired as i got up at 6am and got back home at 6pm.....i missed my afternoon nap ;) and although its not a physical job (IT systems engineer sitting at desk all day) it's harder than being able to lie down on the couch for an hour whenever i wanted.

Well i kept hydrated all day looked after myself.

Hope the rest of the week goes as well, get my INR checked on wednesday so i'll be able to see what its done to me....

Sounds like you're well on the way to building back up your endurance. Take care and sleep well!