Hi all , Its been a while since I have visited and it has changed a bit. Its very nice to be back and read all your posts again.
I guess thats when life started to get back to normal for me since my surgery in Jan of 99. I stopped hanging out in the heart support groups guite as much. Seemed like I lived there for a year at least. I still have many wonderful people that I have met various places in heart groups that have become good friends and we email often but not everyday like in the begining.
I am 43 now and my son is 4 and still hard to keep up with at times. I have a daughter 9 as well so theres not as much time as there once was to hang out to much. Sometimes however I feel the need to read others posts and try and offer support if I can in any way like so many did for me.
My husband was just activated with the reserves now and so I am home alone at night so what better place to visit huh?
I will be reading and chiming in from time to time . It will be fun to get to know you all. I am looking forward to it.
Another thing to take me away from the News Right?
I guess thats when life started to get back to normal for me since my surgery in Jan of 99. I stopped hanging out in the heart support groups guite as much. Seemed like I lived there for a year at least. I still have many wonderful people that I have met various places in heart groups that have become good friends and we email often but not everyday like in the begining.
I am 43 now and my son is 4 and still hard to keep up with at times. I have a daughter 9 as well so theres not as much time as there once was to hang out to much. Sometimes however I feel the need to read others posts and try and offer support if I can in any way like so many did for me.
My husband was just activated with the reserves now and so I am home alone at night so what better place to visit huh?
I will be reading and chiming in from time to time . It will be fun to get to know you all. I am looking forward to it.
Another thing to take me away from the News Right?