AVR on Election Day

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New member
Oct 23, 2012
I've been reading all of the posts on this site. Very helpful to know others' experiences. I have four cousins who are nurses, two are cardiac intensive care nurses so I was able to get a lot of good info from them. My surgery will be at Florida Hospital with Dr. Kevin Accola and I am getting the Edwards bovine valve. There is an outside chance that my mitral valve may also need replacing. It has an abnormality but if the "cords" are not broken, he will leave it alone. If broken, then he will replace the mitral at the same time.

Needing this surgery so soon came as an unwelcome birthday present. My cardiologist expected that my surgery would be years in the future but for some reason my aortic valve deteriorated rather quickly since last November. I did have Lyme Disease in July and we don't know if that exacerbated my situation or just bad luck.

If I have to see a bright side to this surgery it is that I will not be glued to the TV waiting for election results. I will be blissfully unaware on narcotics. :thumbup:

Thank you to all of you who have posted about your experiences and good luck to others facing their upcoming surgery.

Best of luck, Joan. Will be thinking about you on Tuesday. When you are up to it, let us know how it went. All will be well. :)
I've been reading all of the posts on this site. Very helpful to know others' experiences. I have four cousins who are nurses, two are cardiac intensive care nurses so I was able to get a lot of good info from them. My surgery will be at Florida Hospital with Dr. Kevin Accola and I am getting the Edwards bovine valve. There is an outside chance that my mitral valve may also need replacing. It has an abnormality but if the "cords" are not broken, he will leave it alone. If broken, then he will replace the mitral at the same time.

Needing this surgery so soon came as an unwelcome birthday present. My cardiologist expected that my surgery would be years in the future but for some reason my aortic valve deteriorated rather quickly since last November. I did have Lyme Disease in July and we don't know if that exacerbated my situation or just bad luck.

If I have to see a bright side to this surgery it is that I will not be glued to the TV waiting for election results. I will be blissfully unaware on narcotics. :thumbup:

Thank you to all of you who have posted about your experiences and good luck to others facing their upcoming surgery.


Welcome Joan,
It sounds like you have all your ducks lined up and it's time to 'get er' done. Thinking positive thoughts for a successful surgery and smooth recovery. Before you know it, you will be on the road to recovery.

Take care,
Hope your surgery went well. Dr. Accola performed my AVR several weeks after he performed yours. I was very impressed with the hospital, staff, and Dr. Accola. :) Hope you enjoy walking in this cool weather we are having.