Atlanta Peachtree Race

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Tomorrow...World's largest 10 Kilometer race...I can see it..local...They line up early....Will have the wheelchair, is going to be very HOT...I'm sure in the high 90' today...:eek: when they is a huge mass of humans...all crowded together....they come from all over the world.......Peachtree street has hills, ect. I hope they pace themselves....Bonnie

Tommy is always fun to watch on T.V..but, I think it is the hottest weather in several years now... Most drop out at Heartbreak Hill at Piedmont Hospital..(where I had both my children)...The weather is always humid..believe me..I walk my dog at 6 a.m. and can feel the humid weather that early...and I live in the Georgia mountains.....Hope they have a fun time..for a tee-shirt?...:D bonnie
Missing Peachtree

Missing Peachtree

I missed the Peachtree this year - the first time in 9 years I haven't run it! I moved to Southern California the beginning of this year and then had valve replacement surgery on February 17. So it's probably a good thing I was not in Atlanta over the fourth because I would have run the Peachtree somehow, heat or no heat. It's a wonderful 6.2 mile block party. And in my experience, many people walk the hill by Peidmont Hospital but they don't drop out.
They had 2 men on tv that had heart attacks right after they ran the race. One, they said it was a bleessing in disguise because he had severely blocked arteries and did not know it. I remember last year one guy had a heart attack right after the race and if there had not been a doctor near by that had also ran the race the guy would have died. My husband says he would like to run it but I will stick to watching it on tv.
running Peachtree

running Peachtree

terryj said:
They had 2 men on tv that had heart attacks right after they ran the race. One, they said it was a bleessing in disguise because he had severely blocked arteries and did not know it. I remember last year one guy had a heart attack right after the race and if there had not been a doctor near by that had also ran the race the guy would have died. My husband says he would like to run it but I will stick to watching it on tv.

Tell Terry he can do it if he just follows some common sense, and his doctor's advice. If you have the opportunity, you have to run Peachtree at least once. It's an experience you won't forget. Actually, running a large race like that can be easier than others because especially if you're back in the pack, its hard to run too fast. There's just too many people to bump into!

I know, almost every year they've had some serious medical emergencies and some deaths. So it pays to be careful and not try to do something you're not trained for. Because the race is so popular, it attracts a lot of people who try it without good preparation.

And if you think running the race is hot and humid, try riding the MARTA train afterward when it's crammed so tight with sweaty runners you can't fall down if you want to! :eek:
I enjoyed watching the wheelchair people more than the runners. what courage these men/women endure such a feat..They start at 7 a.m....Many are regulars in all the races..Boston, ect...The 5 elite who finish are all prior winners. Mostly from Kenya....they are usually finished by the time many even start.55,000 put in bins...depending on your time you sent in? The last bin are usually just there to do it...I think the T.V. cut it off after 2 hours...I really think I could walk it in 2 hours..:D It did look like fun..with so many people helping with water, water sprays, ect...they were having a blast....Mike, my neighbor who runs it said the secret was to take 2 cars...Leave 1 at Piedmont Park for the ride back to Lenox Square...(several friends together)Of course has to get up very early to do all this..:p Bonnie
Since Atlanta is the cardiac by-pass capital of the US, one would expect a couple of heart attacks