arrythmia post-op?

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2005
Has anyone experienced some mild arrythmia such as extra systolic beats in the first couple of months post-op?

I was lying in bed yesterday evening and experienced some episodes of arrythmia, typically when my heart rate became slow. I had no pain in the chest nor did I feel faint or dizzy and changing position got me back to a steady heart rate. It's weird, though, since I did manage to sleep through the night perfectly without waking up.

Is this something to worry about?

Best wishes,
It is common but I would definately call your Doctor and let him know, he will prolly want to examine you.
It's common, but by all means let your Cardio know. You may be low on Potassium and need a supplement.
I was told some arrhythmia like this can be a normal part of healing. But wouldn't it be lucky for you if it IS potassium? My, those pills and potassium drinks are yummy! (sarcasm.) I just can't get over how awful that stuff is :)

I'm having that too, but since I've got a pacemaker it's a bit odder. They are checking my potassium at my next blood draw on Monday. My doc also put me on Toprol XL to steady the rhythm even more but honestly, while I do notice the skipped beats every now & then (it occurs pretty rarely) it's not been a problem so far for me either.
These odd beats do get our attention much more now we are post-op...especially with a mechanical valve you notice them much easier...
Why not try a banana for a little natural potassium boost.
I had my beta-blocker (Metoprolol) increased to help regulate mine and it seems to have worked well.
It took a bit over year for the skipped and missed beats to eventually fade to being few and far between. My cardio kept pushing more and more meds and was strongly hinting at a pacemaker. :eek: I think switching cardios help as much as the additional time for healing and remodeling. :D
I had tacchycardia (fast heart beats) for about 6-8 weeks on and off. Consulted w/ my surgeon when I had the first episode, 2 weeks post-op. He changed the BP RX he had given me.

Since then I notice a "skipped" heart beat every once in a while, but many people -- include those w/out heart conditions -- can have these. I have mentioned these to my doctors, who are not concerned based on EKG and echos.

But my advice to you: When in doubt, check it out.
Yes, I experienced those post op as well. Of course, I had palps before surgery so it wasn't anything new. I usually get them when Im extremely tired or exhausted during the resting phase when my heart rate lowers. They don't really bother me physically or when I exercise. They don't really last more than 5 seconds for me. I usually take a few deep breathes and they go away. I can control them with my breathing.

Can somebody please explain to me the big difference between a palpitation and an arrythmia? Are they the same thing? They have the same symptoms basically. I've never quite understood the difference even when my Card explains it. He always says I have palps.
I had the same issue for several months post-op. Mine always seemed to start about 7-8PM, and then last until I went to bed. They were mostly of the form where it seemed like my heart missed a beat, and then came back with two really hard beats almost together. My Cardio wasn't concerned, but had me wear a Holter monitor just to be sure.
Please check in with your cardio. Chances are they are just your heart getting used to the newly perfected system. However, it is wise to have reports on record with your cardio, since you just never know what's actually going on. Most nurses will be able to decipher your descriptions perfectly and guide you to action, or inaction. Just to be safe. Please call.

:) Marguerite
Thanks for the informative replies. I jumped straight into action and made an appointment with my cardio on the 25th. Let's see what he things about it and whether the ECG reveals any abnormalities. Holter monitoring may not be a bad idea.

Best wishes,

PS: Aussigal, I bought bananas and I'm lovin them. Yummie. :D