Aortic Valve Stenosis

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I understand that a normal aortic valve is around 3 square centimeters. I'm curious to know the valve area (centimeters) of people who have under valve replacement surgery. Where you in the critical stage (less than 0.7 square centimeters) and/or experiencing symptoms?
I got down pre-op to about 0.6 cm2, but was only experiencing mild symptoms, which is one reason why we let it go so long. The surgeon said, when I was operated, that there was just about no space left at all and the medical team wondered how I was still motoring along. That probably wasn't a good thing (I imagine, my cardiologist's advice to the contrary, that I should have had it operated earlier), because it likely caused the heart to muscle up. I'm hoping for the ol' ticker to shrink back to more normal size now.

I was at a .8cm last surgery. I had symptoms of light headedness and shortness of breath. I have never been without symptoms, so it was hard to distinguish. Normally it is suggested that you have the surgery while the heart is in good shape, and before the valve gets too constricted.
Less than 1.00 cm is considered severe stenosis. I am currently at 1.04 cm, as of last echo. Most Doctors recommend surgery at .7 to .8 cm but there is some controversy with some Doctors recommending it sooner depending on symptoms, etc.

I prefer to put it off as long as possible - but then waiting too long can cause further problems.

Where is your stenosis currently at and what is your surgeon recommending?


MVR - Medtronic Hall Valve 04/06/89

AVR - eventually....
Hi Tammy

Oh Tammy. I know we just talked and you did not mention this to me.

Sorry, with all the medical hub bub going on in our lives...too many people sick.....your valve issue slipped my mind

Deciding factor if I had to do it all over again...would not do so unless there were notable changes compromising the heart.

When I had my MVP my left atrium was mildly enlarged. Did not have ANY symptoms. Decided to go ahead before more damage was done. Understand that alot of MVP patients are in A-Fib due to it not being caught early on. Luckily, I escaped it, at least for now. Three months post op I acquired PAC's. These lasted for almost two years until they found the proper medication. I can drink my coffee now. Yeah!

My GP told me that this is very common. Aortic replacement after Mitral. Something to do with the increased pressure from the mitral prothesis on the Aortic. People with their biological valves do not have this 'forceful' flow. He also said that there is medication you can take to push it off.

Francesca here on the forum has been doing very well with holding off. You may want to contact her to see what her secret is. And let us know.

Did you have any concerns with your Aortic valve prior to the Mitral replacement? We have the same exact valve and I am wondering what to expect down the road.

Whatever the case may be... we are here for each other! And that's encouragement enough for most!
Talk soon
Take care;)
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Hey Gina!

Hey Gina!

The Medtronic valve has been a great one to have so far. Problem free after 12 years and my surgeon said it will last a lifetime. I mentioned before that there was some calcification but I don't believe it to be significant.
Well, I was oblivious to the future Aortic Valve problems at the time of my surgery. Not that it would have made a difference to know, I still would have had no choice in proceeding. My doctor has been mentioning the Aortic valve the last few years but always told me not to worry about it. I didn't until this year when I found out just how bad it was getting, oh and he said still not to worry (OKAY) LOL.
I'm with you on putting off surgery as long as possible. My heart is not enlarging or showing signs of stress currently so will wait for next echo next year.
I am feeling an increase in fatigue but I just rest more and try not to overdo things. Uphill walks seem to be my only problem for now.
I will keep you posted. The encouragement from this board has certainly been a blessing, just to have people to share with that know from experience what it is your going through.
Take Care,


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