Aortic leakage after MVR?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Hi all! Haven't visited site in a while, everything has been going so well. But, a cardio visit yesterday has raised concerns and questions. I've been having periods of dizzyness and chest pains. It's not every day, but at least twice to 3 times a week, I have episodes of these symptoms. I've had my mitral valve repaired, then 3 years later, had it replaced. Now, 4 years after the replacement, I am symptomatic once again. Yesterday, I mentioned these symptoms to my cardio, he ordered an echo. He found some calcification around my mechanical valve and also noted that my aortic valve is showing some mild to moderate leakage. He didn't seem too concerned and even said that some leakage is normal after MVR. He also said that my heart function was at 69% which was better than my last echo. He did order a 21 day heart monitor for me to wear. Should I be satisfied with his conclusions or concerned and press for more investigation into my symptoms? Thank you for any input.
I've had my mitral valve repaired, then 3 years later, had it replaced. Now, 4 years after the replacement, I am symptomatic once again. Yesterday, I mentioned these symptoms to my cardio, he ordered an echo. He found some calcification around my mechanical valve and also noted that my aortic valve is showing some mild to moderate leakage. He didn't seem too concerned and even said that some leakage is normal after MVR.

Have you had a TEE since your MVR? If not, you may want to ask your cardio about having one to better visualize what the mitral valve looks like. My web search found that it's basically unheard of to get calcification on the valve; don't know about AROUND the valve. The following is 11 years old, but was posted by a doctor from the Cleveland Clinic:

A TEE would show exactly where the leakage is. I have perivalvular transvalvular leakage around my St. Jude. (Maybe if my sister who works for JoAnn Fabrics had stitched that sucker in, I'd be OK??? :D )

I'd definitely push for a TEE.