Anyone on calcium channel blockers?

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ponygirlmom Supporter
Supporting Member
May 2, 2008
Fountain Hills, Arizona
It's apparent that my HR isn't going to inch down by itself. Actually, my surgeon isn't as concerned about that as by the force at which my heart beats.

I have an appointment with a cardio on Wednesday. Sadly, not my regular one -- he's out of town.

I can't take beta-blockers. My surgeon said that there are several types of calcium channel blockers. Is anyone on them, and what were the side-effects?
Hi...I take Diltizem, and have taken it for several years. I think probably the only real side effect I have is low blood pressure. Good luck with your cardio visit. :cool:
I started 40mg of Diovan three weeks ago and increased it after seeing doctor today to 80 mg. Blood pressure is fine..taking it for moderately leaking Mitral Valve and to make breathing a bit easier..40mg has helped..hopefully 80mg helps even more...No side effects yet..
I tried Cardizem LA 180mg after Toprol didn't work. It's got one big side effect that I couldn't tolerate--constipation!:eek:
I tried Cardizem LA 180mg after Toprol didn't work. It's got one big side effect that I couldn't tolerate--constipation!:eek:

When I went to the ER with A-Fib in August 2005, I was on Cardizem and Amiodarone, both of which can cause constipation. I really don't know which one of the drugs caused it the most, but I was constantly calling the surgery nurse when I got home saying "Is my surgery going to be soon? If my heart doesn't kill me, this severe constipation will!" Sorry to be graphic, but it was as if I had dry cement in my intestines!!!:eek:
thanks guys
great topic, I may end up going on calcium channel blockers for SVTs, my options as it stands are do nothing, an ep/ablation, or some sort of drug, and I dont think I can do beta blockers because I have asthma, plus I want to preserve the autonomic acceleration of my HR (allow my HR to go up as I increase my activity) and I dont want something that can make me that sleepy

well, thanks again, will update more after thursday
Calcium channel blockers can contribute to acid reflux and similar issues. I've never taken them but have at least one friend who changed meds from them because of indigestion/heartburn issues.

(I think Diovan is some form of ACE inhibitor.)
Sorry to hear that your HR isn't going down by itself, it may just need a
little more time.
When I was in the hospital for SVT,I was given cardizem(aka diltiazem)
which is a ca channel blocker. Another one they usually give for high HR
is verapamil. The only side effects I had was a slightly lowered BP, but I
was only on it for 3 weeks. The other 'listed' side effects are dizziness,
headache,low BP, peripheral edema,flushing, and nausea.

Diovan (aka valsartan); I looked it up since I didn't know what it was and it is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), so it seems to work similar to ACE. But they are usually given for HTN only, unless my source is dated:eek:
So many times I find that they are using a drug for other than what it
was meant - and sometimes with better results.
My best --Dina
I am on Cardizem and Toprol XL. I have skipped some of the days taking Cardizem. It is new for me. I am having problems with Toprol XL. He has me on Toprol XL for angina and heart rate. He decided to add Cardizem (sp?) incase I also have spasms. I have a lot of symptoms. I would like to drop all of them at this point.
I'm new to verapamil. I don't like it, but I like it better than the alternative - which is not breathing very well. I cut my beta blocker dosage in half and started a lower dose of verapamil with the help of a hypertension specialist from UofM.

One thing I can say about the verapamil is that I feel like I can't hold still anymore. I have to stretch all the time or I get cramped up. The hour long MRI was hell on earth. My muscles just always kinda hurt. These symptoms have slowly improved, but I'll take it!

The change has increased my peak flow meter to normal values, the aching pain in my lungs is basically gone, and my libido is back. I forgot I had one, seriously. I hate beta blockers so much for robbing me.

But anyway, my hypertension Doctor is truly brilliant. He's not arrogant, he's just brilliant. He's the first person in the medical profession that I felt was actually competent and humble enough for the job. I'll give anyone his contact info if you're having a hard time with meds and you're desperate for competency. He's from UofM, but I'd say it's worth maybe a 3 or 4 hour drive.
When I went to the ER with A-Fib in August 2005, I was on Cardizem and Amiodarone, both of which can cause constipation. I really don't know which one of the drugs caused it the most, but I was constantly calling the surgery nurse when I got home saying "Is my surgery going to be soon? If my heart doesn't kill me, this severe constipation will!" Sorry to be graphic, but it was as if I had dry cement in my intestines!!!:eek:

HMMMMMMMM.... I've recently noticed the same thing. Thought it was just an unrelated anomaly or something.

I'm now a regular consumer of Dulcolax and Metamucil. I'm not sure which is worse, the risk of permanently disfiguring my ultra important rear end or scarring my even more important lungs from the beta blockers. I had to take three different types of medicines to control my asthma, but only one or two for the constipation. I'm gonna try to stick with it.

I think I know why my grandparents always had prune juice and metamucil around the house now.:eek::confused::eek:
HMMMMMMMM.... I've recently noticed the same thing. Thought it was just an unrelated anomaly or something.

I'm now a regular consumer of Dulcolax and Metamucil. I'm not sure which is worse, the risk of permanently disfiguring my ultra important rear end or scarring my even more important lungs from the beta blockers. I had to take three different types of medicines to control my asthma, but only one or two for the constipation. I'm gonna try to stick with it.

I think I know why my grandparents always had prune juice and metamucil around the house now.:eek::confused::eek:

Metemucil (among other things) is an everyday thing for me, like brushing my teeth (I was born constipated:rolleyes:). So, the things I had to do to get things moving when I was on Cardizem and Amiodarone are beyond belief!!:eek: It was a nightmare!