Anyone ever consider an AED?

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Duff Man Supporter
Supporting Member
May 1, 2008
If they were like half the price, I would pop for one... curious if anyone has one at their house. They run about 1300 bucks right now.

AED = Automatic External Defibrillator

I'd be ashamed to tell my friends about it - or my extended family for that matter - but left ventricular hypertrophy + nsvt + history of sudden cardiac death in the family = probably feeling safer with one.
I’ve had my own personal Automatic Internal Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) since Dec 2004. When I was facing my OHS my Cardio strongly suggested this implant. After reading up on the potential non-reversal once implanted I asked my Cardio if I really, REALLY needed this device. He said “if your heart acts up again and you are not standing in front of an ER or right next to an EMT you will be dead in less than five minutes.” Enough reason for me!!!!

One of the biggest drawbacks of an External Defibrillator (like you see in some stores) is someone has to be there to operate it. You can’t use it on yourself when you are having an attack. The operator should also receive some training on how to operate the device. Sp somebody would have to know you had one and hopefully receive some training.

Have you expressed your fears to your Cardio? If he feels you are at risk and thinks an AICD would benefit you, he may consider having one implanted. Of course, the AICD alone is over $25,000 and it is not DO IT YOURSELF. I’ve had to have mine replaced once because of battery issues but normal usage is 8 to 10 years before needing a replacement. Mine has never fired (and I hope to maintain that record) and when it came time to replace it my Cardio said because of my heart improvements after OHS I probably no longer needed it but he didn’t have anything he could hang his hat on to say I didn’t. He could be held liable if he directed it be removed and I then have issues. I can at any time direct that I no longer want it in me and have it removed but he will not step out on that branch and say it is his opinion to remove it. It’s not giving me any trouble so I’m leaving it alone right now. It also acts as a heart monitor (read via computer every 3 to 6 months) and can show up any problems.

May God Bless,

Danny :smile2:
My Cardio said when the left ventricle pumps good, it's not a huge deal to have a short bout of VT. I still don't like it though.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. You guys have/had some bigger issues with your hearts that definitely benefited from an ICD. I'm grateful we have the science to have that level of care, and I'm also grateful that I'm (God willing) not at that point any time soon.

I'd be curious to know if anyone has one that's NOT implanted :D