Any one heard about Byetta?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Hi all, I recently went to my family doc for a kidney infection and she was alarmed at the amount of weight I've gained in less than a year - 18 lbs!:eek: I am an emotional eater and my cardio has told me that some of the meds I take do cause some decreased metabolism. Anyway, my family doc was very insistent that this new med, called Byetta (injections) has had excellent results for weight loss. It was created for type 2 diabetics, not for weight loss. She(family doc) assured me that it was completely safe and even called my cardio, and he even gave his approval. I am very hesitant about this new miracle drug - phen/phen began like that only to later realize the damage it caused. I really want to lose weight, but just can't seem to get motivated. Anyway, has anyone heard of this new med? If so, what is your opinion in using it for weight loss?
Government trial hasn't started yet!

Government trial hasn't started yet!

There are 12 gov. trials on this drug, this one being the one they haven't recruited volunteers for yet. This link is the one they will do on using it for weight loss. I guess if you don't mind being a test case it would be your choice but you will see they weed out any with heart issues.

It sounds too new to consider. Perhaps you could find another way, like portion control, etc. A drug would not be my first choice.

I sure do wish you well in your endeavor to lose that weight.
If you decide not to try this miracle drug injection, maybe you could venture over to the public library and see if they have a copy of You on a Diet (or read about it on

I don't watch much Oprah, but while I was recovering I tuned into the program where she was interviewing the author. I'm not a diet person, but I am overweight. I found this book informative, entertaining and full of some good tips (well, and sometimes rather annoying with its crass modernisms). Am I going to follow his diet (or anyone elses) no. But I have kind of created my own plan and it is working (15 # off already since January....many many more to lose) and I've used many of his suggestions. It might be enough to motivate you. Once you can decide to make some changes (and you are retired now, so you have time to, right??;) ) as long as they are reasonable changes, you can succeed.

Good luck. Let us know what you choose.

I agree, "You on a Diet" is a wonderful book. It gives you all sorts of interesting information about how the body works when seeking to lose weight. My copy has passed around all of my friends.

In June 2005, I stopped smoking and gained 10 lbs. Then, one year later, I got the "gift" of a-fib. The doctors put me on Toprol XL. I went on to gain another 15 lbs. Mind you, I was a BBW already when all of this started.

Recently, the extra weight I carry began to show up in back-aches and difficulty breathing. My sweet doctor suggested the South Beach Diet. I put it off, and put it off, and finally exhausted all excuses. I went on the South Beach Diet in March and lost weight. I went from 211 lbs to 202.5. lbs.

I firmly believe that there is an eating plan for everyone's problems. Right now, South Beach has met my needs. Please know that I was able to do South Beach, in part, because of the valuable info I got from the "You on a Diet" book and from support from the significant folks in my life.

The hardest part is getting started. Good luck to you. If I can help, let me know.

Kindest regards,
I am on Byetta, and it's a great medicine..

I am on Byetta, and it's a great medicine..

It cut's my appitite and also it assists in cutting down the amount of sugar that the liver puts out. I am thrilled with it immensly. Hope this helps you...Harrybaby:D
I don't know anything about Byetta, but I can echo Blanche and Marguerite concerning "You On A Diet" by Michael F. Roizen, M. D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M. D.; it is an entertaining book and full of good tips. I bought this book thinking it was THE answer I needed. I ended up realizing it is more of a reference manual for me, but still very good. Some very good recipes!

Blanche, my wife's doctor also told her to go on the South Beach Diet. He said, in his observation, it is the most effective for sustained weight loss. We'll see.
Blanche said:
In June 2005, I stopped smoking and gained 10 lbs. Blanche
Yeah well the quitting smoking isn't the cause of your weight gain, it's a result of you knowing me. Everyone that knows me gets fat. :D
Thanks so much for your responses!

Thanks so much for your responses!

You would think that OHS would be enough of a motivater wouldn't you?! I will look for the suggested book, "You On A Diet"- you have peaked my interest. You are all so encouraging. I've just got to get the right mind-set and stop this yo-yoing! I decided not to try the Byetta. The risk just seems to be too high and I don't want to mess up my 15 month old artificial valve.
But anyway, bless you all and thanks again. Gail
Dear Blessed One:
May I suggest the South Beach Diet? I gained 10 pounds in one year when I stopped smoking. Not bad, I thought. Then, I found myself with A-fib. They gave me Toprol. It was a blessing that came with mixed blessings!!! I had no more a-fib incidents, but I gained 15 pounds. This caused real problems with me and my back.

I went on the South Beach Diet, at the suggestion of my internist, in early March. So far, I have gone from 211 lbs to 202 lbs. I am so happy and amazed that I can eat many of the things I love with no problems. My dear one, Al has joined the cause. I loved it when he made me a lettuce roll today..with hot sauce.

Hope you find a way to deal with your concerns. Check out South Beach. You may be surprised..

Kindest regards,
I started back to the old tried and true Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago and have lost 5 lbs. I have been a Weight Watchers lifer since 09/2001 and since then have fallen back on what I learned from the program when I start gaining weight. On the Weight Watchers plan I use, there are no specific foods - you pick what you want to use your points on for the day. There's another plan that lets you eat without counting points from a list of core foods. I have several family members who also use the Weight Watchers plan, one in conjunction with other diets (Adkins, Sugar Busters, etc) and it works. Plus, the meetings are a great way to meet & socialize with people in the same boat.


My husband was put on Byetta by his diabetes Doc. He has gained weight since he retired and quit smoking. We were told that diabetics digest their food faster and then are hungry all the time. This is to slow down the digestion. He was getting nauseated from the shots but that seems to have stopped. Haven't seen any weight loss as of yet but he hasn't been on it that long. Speaking of gaining weight, has anyone been on Lyrica. I am on this for nerve pain in my arm and it is increasing my appetite but hasn't done much for the nerve pain. Would like to hear from anyone that has taken this. Thanks,