Anti-inflammatory Drugs?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
I have a neck issue and would like to take something for the inflammation. I thought you couldn't take aspirin and ibuprophen, etc. -- a strict no-no. then i read on the site that people take coumadin AND aspirin. Anyone have any experience taking anti-inflammatory drugs to calm down an inflammation while taking coumadin?:D
I had to get something for neck and shoulder trouble. See your doctor. I am taking Cataflan as needed but I am very careful to take it as little as possible.

Any drug of this type needs to be administered and watched by your doctor.

I, too, wish there was a solution for this. I'm very active and always have some part of my anatomy sore or swollen. I used to take ibuprofen and it worked wonders.

Since my surgery, I have taken 600 mg of it a few times without a problem but I try to stay away from it because I've heard of the bleeding risk associated with it when on coumadin.

Right now I have a vey painful pulled muscle in my hip and am considering using it out of desperation.

Perhaps Al can suggest an over the counter alternative?

I just got chewed out for using Ibuprofen. I told the Doc that it's what works for me and Tylenol does nothing. I will use what works. If your predeposed to stomach ulcers, it's not the thing to do. Best thing is to talk with your Doc and get him to prescribe something safer.
cooker said:
I was told that acetaminophen was the safest OTC pain reliever but it does not work well for me:mad:

BUT Tylenol/acetaminophen is NOT an anti-inflammatory (it doesn't reduce swelling). I've been told that Aleve is OK on occasion. Again, like Ross said, if you're prone to ulcers this is not the solution for you.
Check with your Pharmacist and/or Doctor but I have also taken the odd OTC Ibuprofen tablet for pain and didnt have any problems. It may be worth asking about the cream version of these as well. I have also previously taken NSAIDS daily for a month or so under the watchful eye of my Doctor. This caused my INR to rise so we adjusted the Warfarin down.
Tylenol is the one that most doctors recommend, but it isn't an anti-inflammatory, so doesn't do much for lots of different aches and pains. It does nothing for me, although Vicodin (Tylenol + synthetic codeine) helps with minor pain. My doctor said that Aleve would be best, as long as you don't take it for more than a couple of days. He prescriped Mobic for when my chronic pericarditis returns because I generally need it a little longer.
The creams are not sold in the US.

There is a caution against naproxen in the warfarin information. However, this was a political, not a scientific decision. There has never been a report in any medical journal of anyone being harmed by naproxen and warfarin.
allodwick said:
The creams are not sold in the US.

There is a caution against naproxen in the warfarin information. However, this was a political, not a scientific decision. There has never been a report in any medical journal of anyone being harmed by naproxen and warfarin.

Thanks, Al. I am going to grab a bottle of Aleve tonight and see if it helps my aching hip.
Nathan was told that by his cardio that he can taken Ibuprofen for Migranes on a as-needed basis only, and usually he only needs to take two and he is done. I make him take them on a full stomach or with milk, followed by a big water chaser :) It will be interesting to see what happens if he throws out his back, as he does have a bit of a lower lumbar work injury that has not flared since his surgery. He would usually have to take a pain med and Flexaril for 3 days to recover. Since his heart surgery though, I believe he is way more careful in protecting his body and using good body mechanics when lifting heavy objects. Good luck!