Another Pericardial Effusion!! 6mo post-op

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
what the heck is going on here?
As many of you remember I had 2 very large effusions and had to be rushed into having the fluid removed b/c I was in Tamponade..
So inSep I had an echo which showed NO more fluid..
and the past few weeks I haven't felt doc ordered another echo..and low and behold I now have a pretty good sized Effusion again!

So why would I be getting them again?? any ideas?
Could this have come on from stress? I am in a bit of a stressful situation right now?
Best Wishes......

Best Wishes......

*I dont have any advise to pass on im afraid......just wanted to wish you well with this problem....I hope you get it sorted soon. 8)
Dear Marky:

I've no idea what could be causing this, except it must be causing you stress in and of itself. I hope it gets straightened out very very soon.


The above link might be an interesting read for you. It's nothing new, but it's very clear and concise. One possible cause for a recurrence - "Doctors occasionally prescribe corticosteroid drugs, such as prednisone, to curtail inflammation (of pericarditis). However, corticosteroids have potential side effects, and there's a risk of rebound inflammation after you stop taking the drug." I'm not sure if you were on Prednisone and if so, when you stopped taking it, but in my case, everytime I was weaned, the inflammation would recur. Vioxx worked much better without the nasty side effects. I still occasionally get Pericarditis, which sometimes resolves with just Aleve - they now call it Recurrent Chronic Pericarditis -and since Vioxx is no longer available, they treat it with Mobic when necessary. I've had to seek treatment twice in the last few months, but not for a few years before that. I hope that you feel better soon. I know it can really drag you down and make you quite irritable.
Hi Marky,

Were you on Prednisone for your last treatment? From what I've read, and as Lisa has said, it can cause a rebound effect. I've been on Prednisone 2 times a day for a week now. I can't really tell if it's improving since I didn't have symptoms when they did my echo. I know I was getting frustrated since my stamina hadn't been improving for awhile. I get another echo this Thurs. which will be 9 1/2 weeks p.o. I'm just concerned since the cardio. didn't give me a choice of treatments, and I got the steroids which may put me in the cycle. It was just so scary when he was describing it, that I probably would have taken anything.

I was reading through some old threads on here, and I seemed to notice a connection between pericardial fluid and valve REPAIRS.(except Lisa and Gina). Maybe a coincidence, but sort of interesting. As always though, the lucky ones without the recurrence had no reason to post anymore about it.
Are you supposed to be resting with this? Dr. said I didn't need to be, but so many reports even say BED REST!?

Hope you get this resolved for good this time. I'm sure you're very frustrated.
I thought I was over doing too much, but they claim that it just happens!
Peg.. The first two times I had it after surgery..I was on rest.. but I was very very sick with it..and it was Huge( they removed 10lbs of fluid the 2xnd time). My doc went home with the flu on Wed (same day as my test) so I am waiting for her to call me with a plan of action.

LIsa/Peg.. No I was never on any medicaiton for this.. I only take my asprin daily and a small dose of atenalol, and a stomach acid pill.

No one has mentioned that this is a result of pericarditis..but from my own reading, I would believe that it is. Funny thing though, I had been feeling pretty good, until about 3 weeks ago when we had a very stressful (to me) week..
lots of 'big' stuff happened very quickly..after that I started feeling badly? so could it be related or just a kwinki dink?
After I suffered Pericardial Tamponade in week 3, the Cardiologist prescribed a low dose of something that was actually meant to be used to treat Gout. Apparently in tests it was discovered it also helped prevent pericardial effusion. Unfortunate I can't remember what it was called and not longer have the packaging. However, it was definitely something originally intended for Gout as I found that quite weired. There was a minor side effect, though, food tended to "go through you" if you know what I mean. ;)

He had me take it for 3 months (until the end of June), and the fluid didn't reoccur. I was re-checked in September and was still clear. At that time I was told I could now go with annual check-ups so I haven't been back, but I'm feeling fine and maintaining a steady weight so I'm sure I'm still clear.

Hope you get this worked out soon.
Wayne - I think it's called Colchicine. I haven't taken it, but read about it.

Marky - I can't believe you had the fluid removed, but weren't put on any medication. I guess you were one of the "lucky" ones. From what I understand, the effusion is usually a reaction to an inflamed pericardium. My suggestion, and I'm not a doctor!!, since you're not on Coumadin, take Advil for awhile and see if it improves. Don't wait until you are in distress!
Wayne - I think it's called Colchicine. I haven't taken it, but read about it.

You're right, Lisa. I went through my papers and was able to find a copy of my insurance claim form for the prescription and it was 0.6 mg of Colchicine daily.
thanks Mary..
I am still feeling pretty uncomfortable. Finally talked to my cardio, who suggested a week or two of ibuprfen therapy.. If I am not feeling better before Christmas she wants to do a repeat echo..otherwise I am scheduled for JAn 10.

she told me not to limit my activities, unless I felt badly..but to try to stay active..
Honestly she was totally baffled and told me so, she had no idea why this was happening again, and could offer no advice, wisdom or comfort:(
So sorry

So sorry

I am really sorry to hear you are having problems again. I haven't been online much lately but thought I would check in tonight. Do you have any type of connective tissue disease?
Hope you get this straightened out soon. I know you missed much of your summer fun. I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday season.