Am I at risk?

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Today my mum was diognosed with pneumonia and toxoplasmosis. I've been in contact with her every day, we live right next to each other, but since she's always coughing anyway, neither of us had suspected it until she went to the doctor's yesterday and then went for an x-ray this morning. She was also having trouble with one of her eyes and the doctor told her she has an infection underneath her retine as a result of toxoplasmosis. You all know that I've had three mitral valve replacements with tissue valve and will be having another within the next couple of years. I had pneumonia back in 1991, but it wasn't very strong since I was taking antibiotic at the time. Now, am I at risk? I mean, can my valve or heart be affected by it? What should I do to prevent it? Bruna, my daughter is always going to her house too, and she has mitral valve prolapse and also had pneumonia when she was only one year-old. Can she be affected too?I'm really lost here and need your help!?? Thanks for reading!
Débora :confused:
I would definitely talk to your doctor. He might want to put you on antibiotics just to be sure. I think you could be at risk. Don't take any chances since things are going so well for you right now.
I think you should call your cardiologist and let him know about this and let him make the decision if anything needs to be done.

Have you had pneumonia vaccine at any time recently?
Just to be on the safe side I think I would call my dr ,perhaps a strong round of antibiotics will be in order.
The toxoplasmosis seems to only affect those with weakened immune systems, Im not sure if valve replacement qualifies as weakened immunity.
But I do know pnemonia can be dastardly wicked, see if you can discuss this with your dr.. wish I could help more, and am praying she is better soon, love the pup
Im not sure, but go with every ones advice and i hope everything turns out for the best for you. good luck
I've phoned him!

I've phoned him!

Thank you all so much for your quick replies!! I phoned my cardio about half an hour ago and he didn't sound worried about it. I then told him I don't want to take any chances and asked if I should take something. He said that if I want, I can take a pinicilin injection, you know, one of those painful ones that stops you from sitting down properly for days!LOL!! The problem is that I'd need a prescription for that so, I might go to the ER tomorrow and then I think they'll give me one. Again, I'll probably be away to my aunt's for the weekend so, I was wondering if I could just leave it until Monday!?? My mum doesn't have a temperature, by the way! Thanks again!
I am so glad that your card doesn't think it is anything to worry about, although the shot might not be such a bad idea. Sending hugs. Janet P.S. I finally got to see Bruna's picture. I didn't want to tell you, but all I ever got to see was the envelope. When I asked Katie about what was inside, she had forgotten completely where she had put the pictures, and Don was of little help. I finally found Bruna's picture. It was stuck on the refrigerator with a magnet among all the other pictures on there, so now Bruna is a part of our family............heehee! Shows you how observant I am, too, as I guess it has been there like what? over a month now? :confused: BTW, Bruna is a doll. Many more hugs. Janet