Alician made it through surgery!

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I have copied and pasted this from the pre-surgery board so everyone will know Alician is now on the other side of the mountain! - "She made it through surgery and is doing well. The surgeon was able to repair the tricuspid valve, closed the hole in her heart, and opened up her pulmonary valve a little. She was able to be removed from the ventilator and NG tube last night about 6:30, and is looking forward to getting the chest tubes and wrist and neck IVs out today if she continues to do well. If she continues to progress as well as she is doing now, she will be moved to the telemetry unit sometime this afternoon.

She is feeling well enough to have visitors, and says visitors have helped her feel better. We have been blessed with wonderful family and friends!"
This is such wonderful news! I'm so glad Alician got the repairs she was hoping for and no replacement. Thanks for posting.


I'm glad to hear that surgery has gone well. You are now on the way to feeling great. Caleb also hated all of the lines, and was happy when they were gone (except all of the pokes). Stay strong and keep on getting better!

Wonderful news! I'm so glad that she has lots of visitors to keep her happy!

Best wishes for continued success throughout her recovery!

Way to make the family proud, Alician!! Good job!! :D

Wonderful news- please send her our best wishes and we look forward to her uneventful recovery.
Love to hear that

Love to hear that

Such fantastic news...

Looking forward to continued positive posts,

Glad to hear she made it through okay. Those repair jobs can last a long time! 22 years for me.

Prayers for a speedy recovery.


what wonderful news! Doesn't get much better than that! :D Many hugs. J.
Great news!!! Way to go Alician, keep up the great work. Welcome to this side of the mountain.
