AlanC's surgery

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Hi Alan-

Tomorrow is your big day! You'll soon be in healing mode. I hope that someone can let us know how things went for you, because we'll all be waiting to hear.

Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. Talk to you later.
Alan the time is approaching. Bear in mind, we are all there with you, so relax, do what must be done, and we'll see you on the otherside. Better, faster, stronger, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, etc,. :D
Best of luck

Best of luck

Alan, all our prayers go with you. We've been there, done that, and know you'll do well. See you on the other side.
Hi Alan -
Just wanted to wish you well - hope all is going ok - I am right behind you - so we can compare notes -
Hi Alan!

Hope everything went well with your mountain trip! We'll be waiting to hear from you when you feel up to it!
Remember to breathe, breathe, breathe, walk, walk, walk, nap, nap, nap!!:D :D
Take Care!

Speedy Recovery

Speedy Recovery

By now you should be in the down hill slope! Things will get better :D Remember ask for you pain meds before it the pain gets bad.