Air Travel - Pre Op

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
Phoenix AZ
Did anyone try this? I have a family reunion I want to go to BEFORE the surgery - it fits the "keep your mind off the surgery" prescription.

Anyone know of any pros/cons?
It depends upon how sick you are!

Before my mitral surgery, I was in pretty bad CHF, but didn't know it yet. My Pulmonologist suspected what the problem was, and gave me steriods to ease the coughing so I could travel (and not scare the other passengers and my family members). I had no problems, and felt fairly decent for that short time. But earlier in my illness, without the steroids, I went to Mexico for a week. It was so humid I could hardly breathe, and was coughing and miserable the entire time. Of course, I was mostly miserable during that period no matter where I was!

This go-round with the aortic valve surgery, I'm relatively symptom free, and will travel to see (the same batch of) family about 2 weeks before surgery. We will stay near the beach on Presque Isle, PA, in Erie. I expect no problems, and got the surgeon's ok to delay surgery until afterwards, and to travel. Up there it will be cooler and drier than here in muggy Texas! I could have elected to have surgery as early as next week, or delay to get my vacation and CLE seminar done beforehand. I elected to delay.

How bad is that aneurysm? How soon is the reunion? How are you feeling? As for the anyeruysm, do you feel lucky? I don't know about any effect of air travel on aneurysm, but I'm sure someone here has input.