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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Alright, I know I'm the queen of making things bigger than they really are, but here goes:

As I told you, I'm hoping to quit teaching next year and go back to school for library science. I have talked with some people about a POSSIBLE library assistant job, but that is not definate yet. But today my Principal sent out an email asking anyone who does not intend to come back next year to talk with him so he will know what he will need to hire people for. I happen to know that it is difficult to find Theatre teachers. There aren't a whole lot of us. So I don't want to put off telling my principal too long, because I want to be sure they will be able to fill the position. But at the same time, I don't want to cut off anything before I have something else lined up. Know what I mean?? I've written to my old college prof. and asked him if he knows of anyone who will be looking for a job in this area, but I don't know how much good it will do. I feel extreemely guilty about this whole thing, even though I know I shouldn't. I need to take care of myself, but I care so much about my students! ARG! I'm just so worked up about all of it. Anyone have any suggestions?

Wellll......this is a hard one, isn't it? Since your job is hard to fill, he might hold it open as long as possible. You could let him know that you are THINKing about moving on to something that is better for your health but that you are not yet sure and that you need more time to think about it and to explore your options. In your shoes, I just don't know what I would do. This didn't help, did it?
Sometimes, there really are Catch-22 situations. Sometimes, no matter how much you think about it, there are no immediate answers. Yet there will be answers in time.

Chat sessions this Sunday, 4, 6, 8 PM. At 4 PM, we drink Guinness. Problems disappear, I think because of the good chat.


Thanks for the chat invite, but I'll be at my mother's in Houston. It is my spring break, so I figured I should go visit her. At some point I would love to join in on the chat, but Sunday's tend to be the day we have a friend over for dinner. He usually sticks around until after I've headed for bed. I'll try at some point, though...

I figured there wouldn't be an anser, but I had to give it a shot. I'm trying to decide if I should just go ahead and tell my principal today or wait until after spring break. I tried to stop by his office before I left yesterday, but he was on the phone so I chickened out. I don't know why I feel so guilty. I know he'll be supportive towards me. But I feel like I've been a big fat liar because the last few weeks we've been dealing with next year's budget and I've been making it sound like I'll be here... But I've made my decision, and I just have to stick with it. I don't want to guilt myself into staying at a job I don't want to do anymore.

Thanks for letting me vent, even if there isn't an answer.
As a teacher ...

As a teacher ...

for over 33 years, I say you keep mum until you know for sure. It depends on your contract language of course, but in this district you don't tell them you are leaving until you know. They have to notify people whose positions are to be cut by April 1st, but we have no language forcing us to declare our positions . You should check with your union rep.
Now Jean's is right from the proper source. She's in the system and knows. Checking your contract and with your union rep sounds the best advice to me. Good luck and God bless