Africa- Travel- Salad??

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2005
I am going to Africa at the end of November. I have been rock solid with my INR for the past couple of years. This partly due, I think, to my regular eating habits, including a salad every day. Well, where we are going in Africa it is not recommended that I eat salads. Any suggestions? I don't really want to fool with my dose prior to going. Although I could not eat salads for the week prior to leaving, test and adjust my dosage. Other possibility is supplement with other sources of Vitamin K (i.e.- multi-vitamin). Anyone know about how much Vitamin K is in an average size leaf lettuce salad? Any help is appreciated. I will be taking my Coagu Chek XS with me.
I am going to Africa at the end of November. I have been rock solid with my INR for the past couple of years. This partly due, I think, to my regular eating habits, including a salad every day. Well, where we are going in Africa it is not recommended that I eat salads. Any suggestions? I don't really want to fool with my dose prior to going. Although I could not eat salads for the week prior to leaving, test and adjust my dosage. Other possibility is supplement with other sources of Vitamin K (i.e.- multi-vitamin). Anyone know about how much Vitamin K is in an average size leaf lettuce salad? Any help is appreciated. I will be taking my Coagu Chek XS with me.

I think you answered your own question.

whereabouts are you going? if you're staying in the tourist hotels it should be
safe to eat the salad. roadside food-stalls not so safe.

what about cooked veggies?
I agree with ChouDoufu. I started to answer the same yesterday, got interrupted (darn! work gets in the way of so many things in my life :rolleyes: ) and didn't get it posted.

Cooked green things would be safe, as would eating in a large hotel restaurant.

I've heard the same thing said of traveling in Mexico. I went to Mexico City in November 2001 during El Día de los Muertos, and was offered bottled water everywhere. My hosts put me up at a nice hotel in a quiet neighborhood and took me to nice restaurants and one at a department store. I had bottled water at the hotel & restaurants. I didn't worry about what I ate.

I got an Rx for ciprofloxacin, started it before I left and continued until I got back. My doctor said cipro is good for infectious diarrhea that's common when traveling.
I never got sick in Africa, but like you said "where" you are going.. If you really want to test the 'waters', try Ecuador. How in tarnation anyone can get that sick from a grilled cheese sandwich and Coke, I'll never know..:mad:
Thanks for the replies. We are not going to some out of the way places. We will be in Nairobi and in a game park for a week. The recommendation to avoid the salads came from a friend who lives there. Also, we will be going to the Seychelles for a week and the guide books basically say that salads are not available. So, same problem.... what to do to adjust?
It's a grand trip..!!

It's a grand trip..!!

I've stayed at Sweetwaters Camp, Governor's Main Camp in the Masai Mara, Mount Kenya Safari Club and Amboseli Park and never got sick. I hope you're flying over on SAA so you can have an amarula cream liqueur after dinner..;)
Thanks for the replies. We are not going to some out of the way places. We will be in Nairobi and in a game park for a week. The recommendation to avoid the salads came from a friend who lives there. Also, we will be going to the Seychelles for a week and the guide books basically say that salads are not available. So, same problem.... what to do to adjust?

What you could do is to drop salads about 3 weeks before departure. Test & adjust dosage according to your INR. That should be enough time to get you in range before you leave.
Once you return and resume your normal eating habits, resume your normal dosage that had kept you in range before dropping salads.

I think 3 weeks would be enough time. Any thoughts out there?
GNC and other vitamin places sell VIT K in 100 mcg tablets. 80-90 is considered the minimum RDA. This might help keep your level up so you won't have to fiddle too much with warfarin dosage.
Any idea how much Vitamin K is in an average spring green type salad (not iceburg lettuce)??? That might help figure out if something as simple a supplementing with a Vitamin K tablet would work.