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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2005
Wheelersburg, OH
Well, I've been battling pericardial effusion since my surgery 8 weeks ago. I posted on "Heart Talk" about it, but thought I'd try here too. I had a pericardiocentesis 3 weeks ago, and this morning had a follow-up echo. Well, there was just about as much fluid around my heart as there was when they decided to drain it. So one of my cardiologists said he'd consult with my surgeon and see if he thought something surgical needed to be done, like a pericardial window. I haven't heard back from my cardiologist yet, but I did just get a call from my surgeon's office that I have an appointment on Monday with him. Now, I don't know for sure, but I highly doubt he'd want to meet with me if he didn't plan on doing something about this.

Has anyone else had a pericardial window put in? How common is this? I'm very frustrated and just want these complications to be over!! I feel pretty well overall, but I know it's not good to have fluid around your heart. My cardiologist said he didn't think I was in much danger of cardiac tamponade, so they aren't treating this as an emergency. But still...aargh! Why me? Why can't I just be better? :(

Gee Liza, I can't help with any information, but I sure hate to hear of this ongoing complication.
There are some people on the site who've had a pericardio window done. I hope they'll come along and talk to you. In the meantime, why not do a search on this site for that phrase, or just pericardio?
Has anyone else had a pericardial window put in? How common is this? I'm very frustrated and just want these complications to be over!!

Liza....I had a window put in just 10 days after my first surgery to replace my aortic valve. It was so scary and I was also just wanted to be was scarier than the first surgery because I did not knowwhat to expect. The surgery really was not bad...they went in through the bottom part of my existing scar and drained about 1 1/2 liters of fluid. I stayed in the hospital with another chestube in for 2 days. I am still scared that the effusion is either still there a little or will come far it hasn't, but I am still worried. Please let me know if I can help more or answer any other questions..I totally know how you feel...I sympathize 100% with you! Then after the 2nd surgery...the E.R. doctor called me back to say that another cardiologist called to say he thought my valve might be defective and stuck open!!! I had to go back to have a fluoroscipy (sp?) a high tech x-ray which showed my valve to be perfectly fine...but talk about's like what else??? I'm here for you..just let me know. :)
Just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm going in for surgery again on Wednesday. *sigh* Hopefully this pericardial window will fix this. Some day all this will be over!


I hope this solves your problem. I will be thinking of and praying for you.
Oh crud! Sorry to hear about this, Liza. There was a lot of info on pericardial effusion on PubMed, but not on Pericardial Windows per se--perhaps the same procedures, but stated more technically? It sounds as if pericardial effusion is very common with OHS, particularly with VR, and treatment is very successful. Good luck. Hopefully, you'll be feeling better than ever really soon!

P. J.
Sorry to hear of this complication! I can imagine how frustrating it must be. Please keep us updated after you get it drained, and I'll be thinking good thoughs and praying that this takes care of things!!!!
All the best!

All the best!

Hi there Liza, I just want you to know that I too will be thinking of you on Wednesday and praying for your quick recovery! Take care!
Good luck Wednesday! I hope this is the end of your recovery problems. :)
Did they say how they would go in, through the existing incision or a new one? I hope your hospital stay is minimal! ;) Let us know how everything went when you feel up to it.

Best Wishes,
Fortunately we haven't had this-so far

Fortunately we haven't had this-so far

I have followed some older kids that have had on going problems with pericardial fluid following their OH surgeries. Have they also given you Advil or other drugs to help withthe fluid? A boy andrew's age had his tube reinserted I don't know if that is the same thing as a pericardial window or not. That was the thing I remembered when Andrew was still draining after 9 days of the chest tube, that I wanted it to stay in until he was done. Now hopefully this won't be an issue but haven't had a check up post hospital yet.

It is better to have it drained if it needs it than to have it in there though. Hope it makes you feel much better when it gets drained if that is what they end up doing. This really seems to slow things down doesn't it?

Let us know what was decided. I hope you will be feeling much better soon.

heart hugs,
Sorry Lisa I am still not "all here" i see you are having surgery tomorrow. Sending extra prayers your way that this does it for you.

heart hugs,
Wendy Andrew's mom (Andrew had his right sided a/v valve {his tricuspid} replaced 6/29/05 has some mixed up plumbing in his heart as well)
From Liza's mom...

From Liza's mom...

Just a quick update since I am sure Liza will be posting for herself pretty soon.... Liza's surgery was yesterday. It seems no sooner did we get notification from the OR that they had started that we were notified the surgeon was ready to speak to us - less than an hour. They went in through her side since she didn't really want to have everything reopened, rebroken, etc. but it wasn't till it was over that we found out that what they did was one of the most painful surgeries that gets done. Thank heavens for morphine and percoset! The surgeon seemed to think that the chest tube would get pulled today and that she could be discharged. Thanks again for all your prayers, kind words and good thoughts and I'll let Liza fill you in on the gory details. :)
McJenny said:
Just a quick update since I am sure Liza will be posting for herself pretty soon.... Liza's surgery was yesterday. It seems no sooner did we get notification from the OR that they had started that we were notified the surgeon was ready to speak to us - less than an hour. They went in through her side since she didn't really want to have everything reopened, rebroken, etc. but it wasn't till it was over that we found out that what they did was one of the most painful surgeries that gets done. Thank heavens for morphine and percoset! The surgeon seemed to think that the chest tube would get pulled today and that she could be discharged. Thanks again for all your prayers, kind words and good thoughts and I'll let Liza fill you in on the gory details. :)

So glad that you posted this. I was looking through the new posts trying to see if we had heard anything yet. Liza's complication has been one I have tried actively to avoid. I'm glad it's over, and hopefully she will be discharged today.
Glad to hear she is past the nasty part and healing again. Let's hope this is the last we hear from the recalcitrant fluids that have been plaguing her.

Best wishes,
I was waiting for an update on her. Glad to hear its over. Sure hope the recovery goes well. ;)


Thanks for the update on Liza. Please give her our best and tell her we are awaiting all the gory details. ;)
I can imagine how annoying and scary it must've been for you, but it's over now! I hope theyt've managed to fix the problem and that from now on, everything goes well in your recovery. Take care!
I was in the hospital for a little over 24 hours. They sure like to kick me out of there. The surgery they performed was through my side with a thoroscope. They removed part of my pericardium so I will forever have a hole in it. I won't ever have pericardial effusion again. I wondered why my surgeon kept trying to talk me into going through the sternum again but I talked him into going through the side. The pain factor is MUCH MUCH MUCH higher when they go through your side. My recovery isn't going very well and I really don't feel well. My side keeps leaking constantly, and I'm trying to decide if I should call the hospital about it. THe good thing is it's not infected stuff leaking out, it's just copious amounts of fluid when I cough. My thought is at least it's better coming out than it is staying in there and causing problems. Anyhow, that's my situation if anyone was wondering. I wasn't sure if I should post since everyone's thoughts are on Katie right now. I'm glad to hear she is doing much better! :)


Thanks for letting us know. Interesting about the pain difference in going through the side. I do understand that the actual recovery time is less tho - hope that's the case for you.

Did they tell you to expect leakage? If not, you should at least ask them about it so you are reassured. Remember, that's what they get paid for.

We are just as worried about you (and others) as Katie so keep us updated, please.