A Very Big Thank You To You All

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
We just wanted to say thank you for all the messages of support and prayers we have received this week, following the death of Ernie's sister Ray.
Also, a HUGE thankyou to Debora in Brazil who has been there for us with loads of support, if it wasn't for V.R.Com we would never have become such good friends.
Ray was Ernie's baby sister, and had been in ICU for 7 weeks, we really thought that she might come through all this but eventually she had a massive stroke.
She was our "Ray of Sunshine" but is now a shining "New Star"
Needless to say it has been a very difficult time, Ernie is still battling with his fluid retention and is taking a very high dose of diuretics to try and control it.
We saw the Cardio on Thursday night and Ernie is having an echo on Tuesday to try and establish the cause of it.

Again, thanks to you all , you really are a wonderful group of people.
Very Best Wishes
Ernie & Wendy
These are the times that having VR.com is most important. I wish you well for the future and hope the pain lessens with time.
Take care.
I am so sorry. But at least you know she's a shining star now. When mother passed away, I walked outside the hospital and on one of the sunniest days of the year there was the most beautiful rainbow. I said 'that's mother' and every time I see one, I say 'there's Mother'. You may do the same.

as to the rainbow, it was reported on weather news that night that it was a rare instance of a rainbow when no rain was anywhere in sight! But then, mother, like all our dear ones, was rare.
You're welcome!

You're welcome!

Hi Wendy, you know you can always count on me for whatever you need at any time. Having become your friend was a blessing and having the chance to meet you and your family in person next year will be just wonderful! I know that it will take a while for you and Ernie to get used to the fact that Ray's no longer in this world, but as I've written before, I really believe that she'll always be around and her presence will always be felt by you and all those she loved so dearly.

Hi Ann, what a beautiful post about your mum! I'm sure that rainbow meant something! Take care!

Wendy (((hugs)))

Wendy (((hugs)))

I am so sorry that y'all are having to go through this. I lost my older brother in a car wreck and my younger sister two years later to cancer. In one way, I feel very blessed that we were a very close family, and I have some wonderful memories, but it made the pain of those losses so much harder to deal with. Time does heal, but it took me a very long time. I hope that Ernie is able to "heal" much faster than I did and cherish those memories. We have and will continue to pray for strength and healing for you both. We will also be praying that Ernie's docs are able to figure out what is going on and "fix" it. We will be thinking of you on Tuesday. Much love to you both. Janet
I also lost an older brother in a car wreck when I was 15. That loss was different from the one with my dad when I was 18, and the one I experienced last year when my mother died. What they all had in common was the true sense of "loss" that I had to deal with.

Having a support system to rely on is a blessing, and it seems that Ernie has that in abundance. Don't forget, if you need anything, we are always here.