A Picture for Dennis

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This is a picture of the Space Shuttle taking off Saturday Night.

Haha, nearly fell for it. Admit it, it's the launch of the first nuclear weapon from your secret lair.
Wow - Randy - that is awesome. I watched the launch on TV and have seen a few firsthand but the only night launch I ever saw in person was from Lakeland and it was nothing like this.

Thanks for sharing.
How beautiful. Hard to imagine there are people in there. Our senator Bill Nelson was an astronaut and he tells some nice stories. He's from a little town near here.

That place is awesome. We went when my son was little - the 1776-1976 celebration. That is when you could go anywhere. We took pix of our son in one of the spaceships that was in the 12 story building. There were displays all over the place on the lawns in geodesic domes - all technical stuff and all there just for that celebration. Last time I went you could only get on the base in a bus (1986) and they would drive you through. I doubt they even do that anymore. You have to go to that building that's a mile or so away.
Great picture Randy!

Great picture Randy!

I have been busy doing all kinds of very interesting Christmas stuff, and hadn't checked in for a while. That is a tremendous, picture-the kind of opportunity you are lucky to get even once in a lifetime. When you get a chance at a shot like that you practically hold your breath till you confirm that your camera got the shot you wanted.

Photography after dark is a pretty unexplored area for me. I have been thinking about getting some type of tripod-did you use one for this picture?

Thanks for sharing the picture, and I was mighty pleased to see my name in the post even though I can't claim any contribution to such a spectacular picture.