A few random questions for the board

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I'm sure I'll have many more before next Thursday, but here are a few I have for now.

I am getting a mechanical valve (As I mentioned in my 1st post, I don't know what brand, size, ect.) I have heard of people hearing them "tick" is this common?
If any of you are golfers, how long before any of you were able to get the sticks out again? I know that my upper body strength is going to be dissolved to nothing after this procedure, but how long did it take to get back to "normal" strength levels?
I know that walking is #1 post op, but how long before I could get into the gym for upper body work?

I'm sure I'll have a million more questions, but this should do it for now.

Thanks all!

Hi Matt -

I have read that mitral mechanical valves can be louder than aortic mechanical valves and I've read that smaller mechanical valves can be louder than larger mechanical valves. It will likely be louder during the first few months of recovery than in a year or so post-op.

Your upper body strength won't be dissolved, probably reduced, and it will most likely recover very well. I have also read, however, that muscular torsos seem to develop more pain and/or injury from the rib stretcher than those with less-muscular upper bodies. (Sometimes a little flab isn't bad.)

For gym workouts, you may first want to go through a cardiac rehab following your surgery. Evidently members here have learned a great deal from that type of rehab.

Hope all goes well for you. Post again and take care.
Matt..... Seems you and I shall be in surgery the same day. Just want to take this opportunity to wish you well. Hope your journey over the mountain goes smoothly and you have an uneventful, speedy recovery.

See you on the other side. :)
Matt, Dick was playing golf and tennis at 3 months. He was riding a bike and doing lots of walking up until then.
I am fifteen weeks post op and last week reached the point where the cardiac rehab class now has me doing some 2-4lb......yes 2 to 4 lb. weights as part of the program. I should probably add that my sternum was cut in two; so I got the full deal. I was healthy too except for the bicuspid aortic valve and root issue. I just follow the doctors and therapists guidelines and have experienced a slow, steady and smooth recovery. Matt, I wish you the best for the surgery and an uneventful recovery. - Jim :cool:

P.S. Yes you can hear the click...actually I think you really feel it sounds just like a Timex watch to me; but it is far better than the alternative. :eek: The cardiologist says that I will get used to it; I have not yet but I am optomistic for some time down the road.

Most people with mechanical valves seem to say that hearing the tick doesn't bother them, or they gradually get used to it, or the sound gradually decreases. (I don't have a mechanical, so there are others here who can speak from experience on that point.) It's the weekend so traffic on the forum is rather light now, but it will pick up.

You might want to check at the appropriate time to see if your insurance will cover cardiac rehab. I had 32 sessions of it starting in the spring after my February surgery and found it very helpful to be in a group and working in a fun way toward steadily increasing exercise. We had treadmills, bikes, stairmasters, ergometers, etc., and a weight room (light weights at first of course) and nurses carefully monitored heart rate, BP etc. It is a good way to get headed back toward being physically active.
I have a large mitral mechanical and am only aware of it in very quiet rooms that have a lot of tile. It's not something I hear 95% of the time.

You will notice it a lot right after surgery, but the sound will gradually lessen and you'll not pay any attention to it later, most likely.

On the up side - it is kind of a Stupid Human Trick type of thing. I have a friend who loved to tell people to go with me to the bathroom so they can hear me tick. Some people are easily entertained.
I'm sure I'll have many more before next Thursday, but here are a few I have for now.

I am getting a mechanical valve (As I mentioned in my 1st post, I don't know what brand, size, ect.) I have heard of people hearing them "tick" is this common?
If any of you are golfers, how long before any of you were able to get the sticks out again? I know that my upper body strength is going to be dissolved to nothing after this procedure, but how long did it take to get back to "normal" strength levels?
I know that walking is #1 post op, but how long before I could get into the gym for upper body work?

I'm sure I'll have a million more questions, but this should do it for now.

Thanks all!


Matt....you will tick, thump or however you feel/hear it but it will become background noise...As far as golf I was at the driving range after a month but did not play until about 10 weeks....I did not really let it rip until about 4 months......I don't know what they did but whatever it was I have not sliced the ball since my AVR on 2-21-06:D :D :D ....You will be back on the links before you know it....Godspeed.
Here's a silly thought. Last night we went to friends and played Wii golf and bowling. After reading your question I thought, Hmmm, I wonder if Wii golf would be a good way to gradually get back into the "swing" of things and get those muscles moving safely before actually picking up a club? Since I'm not a golfer, I was hitting the ball fairly tame, with some success. But one of our friends, a golf addict, was really letting it fly.