60 Minutes

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes. Last night I watched 60 minutes to see what "heart issue" topic they were all up in arms about. Well folks I must say that when I hear these types of things it just re-assures me that money is more important in many cases. The drug they use to control bleeding in OHS is called Trasylor. It is manufactured by our trusty pharmacutical company Bayer. This drug is about 3 times the price of other drugs that are also used that do EXACTLTY the same however THOSE ONES are around fifty bucks, where trasylor is much much more. Ok so this man followed REAL patients (not a test group with a placebo) for many years and discoverd that this drug was the reason some people (almost half) have died from Trasylor induced thrombine. Even a surgeon told a family that his belief was just that AND noted it. Ok so Bayer is told of all of this in some corporate get together where most the Docs could care less. The reason being was that his study followed real people and not a controlled study.:eek: Ok so Bayer is made aware of this problem of patients dying and this is happening all over the world as this drug has been widely used. IN FACT, prior to this mans (I think Dr. actually) study Bayer was going to reach the Billion dollar mark on JUST this drug alone within ONE year. All the while people are dying. This drug attacks the kidneys. Thus after surgery comes kidney failure. This poor man had a valve replced Dec. 2005. JUST 6 months after I had mine. (scary!!!) He ended up having kidney failure. Then dialysis, the he lost the circulation in his legs and they had to be amputated then he swelled up so bad his eyes had to be sewn shut to protect his corneas. Wholey Moley mother of *&^$% are you kidding me? I cried the whole time. IN shock too. Ok so then after this mans study comes out and they have this conference and the man writes an article and tells about his REAL LIFE findings a man that works for Bayer BLOWS THE WHISTLE! Bayer already did a study and already knows this. Wow this is kinda scary to me. The good news! I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico!:Dl
One more reason!

One more reason!

Well that's just one more reason to be so grateful that we have survived. Bless!:)