332 Days Out Of Surgery

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Nov 7, 2022
So today I woke up and decided to hit my self assigned recovery goal. I had a goal to climb a mountain near where I live before my one year anniversary. Eleven miles total and a climb to 2100 feet. It was a beautiful day, water flowing and flowers blooming. My heart rate rarely hit above 130 ( my resting is between 55-60) and only on the steepest inclines. It felt great. I look forward to seeing my one year echo in about a week and see how the internal metrics are advancing. Just thought I would share with all of you out there still recovering from surgery. I’m going to be 64 years old this year.
That's excellent! 2,100 foot elevation gain is a good climb!

Well done!

It reminds me how much I like hiking. I've been away from Mt Monserrate for too many months and now that Spring is here I think I'll have to head up there again soon. Thanks for the motivation! :)
So today I woke up and decided to hit my self assigned recovery goal. I had a goal to climb a mountain near where I live before my one year anniversary. Eleven miles total and a climb to 2100 feet. It was a beautiful day, water flowing and flowers blooming. My heart rate rarely hit above 130 ( my resting is between 55-60) and only on the steepest inclines. It felt great. I look forward to seeing my one year echo in about a week and see how the internal metrics are advancing. Just thought I would share with all of you out there still recovering from surgery. I’m going to be 64 years old this year.
Amazing!! I'm in the pre-surgery camp and my activity is severely restricted at the moment. Many mountains all around me but no climbing until after surgery. This gives me so much hope and I can't wait to climb again. I'm going to set a similar goal. Thank you for the inspiration!! 🌄
So today I woke up and decided to hit my self assigned recovery goal. I had a goal to climb a mountain near where I live before my one year anniversary. Eleven miles total and a climb to 2100 feet. It was a beautiful day, water flowing and flowers blooming. My heart rate rarely hit above 130 ( my resting is between 55-60) and only on the steepest inclines. It felt great. I look forward to seeing my one year echo in about a week and see how the internal metrics are advancing. Just thought I would share with all of you out there still recovering from surgery. I’m going to be 64 years old this year.
That's awesome. Keep up the great work.