3 weeks...

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
I'm at 3 weeks today and recovery is still going really well (I think). Walking up to 0.8 miles at a time and around 2 miles total per day now...although I went on a little yarn shopping spree this morning, so no big walks yet today. Generally, I do my big walk first thing in the morning, by late in the afternoon, I'm tired. I'm still not sleeping very well at night...also not napping during the day like I did at first. So I've hit my worst problem so far...It's sort of related...I've had some aches and pains in my back, neck, and shoulders, which I know is normal, but lst night I stretched funny and either pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve in my back...At first I could barely move. I'm moving now, but pretty slowly...ugh! Heating pad...here I come. On the bright side, my neck (which had been pretty sore) isn't hurting anymore :).
Good to hear that you are doing pretty well! I hope things continue to go well for you. Following your progress closely as my surgery approaches on April 4th. Hope you start sleeping better. Take care.

Good tohear you are progressing well... sounds like you need another appointment with the masage therapist!
You're halfway to the magical six-week point, when the pain from the broken sternum diminishes significantly. I slept poorly up until about that point, since pain woke me up whenever I rolled over to a new position. But sometime around six weeks I was able to change positions while still being semi-asleep. Your big reward when you hit that point is that you'll be able to get more of a hug for your little one without worrying about hurting something, which is going to be huge for your morale.

Keep getting better!
Great to hear you're still doing well! I hope things continue on that path. I hear you on the pains and lack of sleep and naps. I was taking naps, but than I wasn't sleeping well so I figured I'd stop my naps and fall asleep early, well it's 2:30 am here so obviously that tactic doesn't matter. I'm really happy things seem to be going well for you for the most part, makes me happy, and try and retain a positive outlook myself. Thank you for the updates!
ONE MILE! I hit the one mile mark on my morning walk today...time for a new goal...maybe I should try improving my time...today it took around 25 minutes.
Your big reward when you hit that point is that you'll be able to get more of a hug for your little one without worrying about hurting something, which is going to be huge for your morale.

Funny you should mention this...Izzy does this thing that she calls "flying hugs" where she runs with her arms out like an airplane and tackles you with a big hug. Well after surgery, she told everyone, "no flying hugs for Mommy because she has a big owie". Lately, she's changed it up...she's been giving me "slow motion flying hugs"...so funny!
Way to go! I'm at 3 wks now too, and just over the past couple of days I can say I am now noticing some significant improvement in how I feel and how I am getting around. I go for another cardiac rehab appt today. I slept for the most part in my bed last night, but still woke up after only 3 hrs. It took a while, but I managed to lay back in bed for a few more hours rest. The shoulder and back pain comes and goes depending on how I slept the night before. Right now, I would say I'm happy with the overall trajectory of my recovery. Considering I felt desperate for relief from the pain only a few days ago, I am hopeful that this trend continues.
I know it may sound counter-intuitive, but the best medicine I've found for the shoulder/back pain is walking. It seems to help loosen everything up. I wake up all stiff in the morning, and feel way better after my morning walk. At first, I really had to force myself to do it, but now I look forward to the pain-relief and sense of accomplishment I feel when I'm done.