3 months postop...12 minute mile

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Randy & Robyn

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2005
I know it's pretty slow for a seasoned runner but I feel pretty proud hitting a 12 minute mile only 3 months after my AVR. Plus I'm still about fifteen pounds over my optimum weight.

For someone who considered himself asymptomatic before my surgery, I think I am beginning to see that perhaps there was some exercise intolerance and sob creeping in so slowly that I barely noticed. In retrospect it is much more obvious.

All in all, it certainly is great to feel healthy again.

Nothing shabby about a 12 minute mile even without OHS. Many of us would be happy to claim that victory.
Congratulations on feeling so well. You are right, we often do not realize our pre-surgery limitations until after.
Keep up the great work.
Congrats Randy- so glad to see you are doing so well and feeling so good.
Randy, that's outstanding!

Randy, that's outstanding!

What kind of times did you have pre-surgergy?
Gooo Stuff!

Gooo Stuff!

Good stuff!!
Was this your 1st mile? If not how soon after surgery did you make your 1st run. At 3 weeks post-op I am wanting to do something other than walk, but will be a compliant patient and wait until released to do so. Nothing like fear of the hospital to keep me from overdoing it.
Awesome Randy! I am 7 weeks post-op and have only walked outside. But you are inspiring me to dust off my treadmill and see how fast I am going. I will probably be even more impressed with your twelve minute mile when I give it a go myself!
For the entire year prior to my surgery, I followed my cardiologist's orders and exercised at nothing more than a fast walk. About four years ago, I was in the 8 minute mile range.

I started slow jogging about seven weeks out. Now I'm regularly running 3 miles twice a week and supplementing that with a couple of 45 minute sessions on the stationary cycle.

I've managed to hold myself back from lifting weights as of yet. But I do 50 crunches and 25 pushups everyday. Still a little trepidatious on the pushups. No pain...just nervous.

Randy -- SUPER, I am quite impressed!

When I was in shape, the fastest I ever walked was a 13.5 min mile. Now, at 4.5 weeks post-op, I am probably doing somewhere around 17-18 min mile. I just did a 5 mile walk today - good weather in between rain storms.
I will probably set a goal of a 15 min mile and be happy with that. Not a jogger - never liked it. :rolleyes:
Randy... That is impressive and inspirational,especially after you had two surgeries within a few months of each other. Congratulations.
I'm not really a runner but I do like to jog every now and then. I also do some hiking(walking with purpose) and ride a bicycle.However, my cardio has asked me to limit my heartrate to 140 and that has proven to be difficult because when I jog ,walk or cycle and start up an incline,I shoot up to 140 very quickly.
My question....Are you wearing a heart rate monitor and if so what do you limit your heart rate to ???
Also ... good work on the crunches and push-ups ! I just started doing push-ups on my knees yesterday and those ab exercises don't seem to aggravate the sternum at all.
Off to a good start

Off to a good start

Randy & Robyn said:
I do wear a heart monitor. I've reached 160.

Hi Randy: I think you are right on track. A 12:00 minute mile is where I started too in about the same time-frame as you. I think the key for the first few months is to do low-intensity, aerobic workouts and watch your endurance, stamina, and pace improve. Keep us posted. Mark