2weeks & 1 day

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
Wow, what a difference a day makes! For about the past week, I've been feeling nearly the same...physically pretty good, minimal pain, breathing normal, walking regularly, but still not quite right in the head. I was having light-headedness that is most likely a combination of meds and anxiety. Yesterday felt no different than the preceding week...not Bad but kind of blah...

Today is two weeks and one day post surgery, and here is my day so far...
-1/8 th mile walk on the treadmill
-PT exercises
-Shower (probably seems odd that I count this as an activity, but I am sometimes more worn out after showering than I am after a walk!)
-Pick up living room (3 year old's toys were everywhere and the cleaning lady comes tomorrow)
Went to daycare to pick up daughter (hubby drove...last time I did this I couldn't even stand up once I got inside)
-Walk around the block (first outside walk others have all been on the treadmill)...I'm guessing about 1/4 mile since it took about the same mount of time as 1/4 mile on the treadmill. My plan was to walk for 5 min and then turn around so I didn't get too far away. I was about 1/2 way around the block at 5 mins, so I just kept going. My walk ended up taking longer than 10 mins though...unlike the treadmill, which keeps my speed constant, my outside walk was faster at the beginning. I'll have to remember to keep that in mind next time I venture out of the house.
-PT exercises again

...still going strong with minimal light-headedness...woo hoo...it's a great day! Hope everyone else is enjoying their days as well!

Quick note for the ladies: Today is also the first day for wearing a real bra! I never thought that would be such an exciting milestone.
Great progress! I'm 5 weeks post surgery and bored bored bored. I'm still crashing during the day and take LONG naps which is messing with my sleep pattern at night. I'm working 4 hrs part-time from home which although it's sitting at my desk, still wears me out. Tomorrow I have my f/u with the surgeon and will hopefully be given my driving privileges. The pain is pretty light except for the sneezing spells I've been having. Of course, it starts when I'm the farthest from the pillow. Ow!
Days where you realize you are making a lot of progress are great. Focus on those rather than the days where you have any setbacks. You are slowly getting closer to the day you will get your best medicine -- clearance to pick up your little one for a big hug!
I love it that you walked 1/8th mile before breakfast. Not sure if you were active before surgery, but this sort of thing and longer walks in the AM is just the formula for shedding unneeded lbs.
Very cool update and great progress for 15 days out ;)
I'm shocked at how far you're able to walk, granted I wasn't in the greatest shape before surgery. I'm 3 weeks post op to this day and I went around Walmart picking up some things and by the time I got to the counter I was exhausted. My walks are never consistent either. Sometimes I have little trouble with walks and do fine, other times I find myself exhausted quickly. However I've lost 12 lbs since surgery, am eating well, and start my rehab on Monday so hopefully that'll help. Now I'd I can get rid of the migraines I'll just love life, those are the only real issue I've had since surgery. Saw my cardiologist yesterday though and he said everything was great, couldn't believe how quickly my incision is healing and gave me a big thumbs up.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread, it's just amazing that days apart from surgery and how each of us is healing differently. I'm so happy things are going well for you though, to not worry right now about going into surgery is the greatest thing I could ask for. I hope things keep going up for you! :)
I love it that you walked 1/8th mile before breakfast. Not sure if you were active before surgery, but this sort of thing and longer walks in the AM is just the formula for shedding unneeded lbs.
Very cool update and great progress for 15 days out ;)

I walk first thing in the morning mainly because that's when I feel the best. I also do it because I tend to stiffen up at night, so the walk loosens me back up. I Probably walked an 1/8 mile before breakfast when I was working too...just going from the parking lot to my office, but I rarely "intentionally" exercised prior to surgery. Maybe I'll get a good habit started!
I live on a fairly steep hill....do you think if I took it slowly, I'd be okay walking on a grade?

I have a very slight grade in my road and was amazed at how much harder it was than walking on a flat road. It's not that I (or you) can't do it. I think your walks may just start a bit shorter.

ETA: for me, slowly is the only way I can take it...started at 1.0 mph....now up to 1.5 on the treadmill.
I'm hoping to be able to walk a 5K on May 12. It's an annual thing we do in my little town called the "HEART"y Hustle, to promote heart health.
Hi Mom2izzy:

You are recovering good, nice to hear that. Today I'm 1 month post-op and I just drove a short distance, as per surgeon's instruction, for the first time. I must admit I was scare to drive; however, I made it :). What type of surgery did you had?

I'm still using the supporting bras, I guess I'll take in consideration what you said about wearing regular bras :)

Mitral valve stenosis and Aortic regurgitation
Mitral valve repaired Dec. 2009
Aortic valve replacement Feb. 2012
Dr. Kevin Accola - Orlando, Fl
I had a mitral valve repair...sternotomy....I imagine I wouldn't be wearing a regular bra if I had gone with the thoracotomy.
If I remember correctly, our surgeries were both on 2/28. I have maintained some level of activity with light around the house work, coupled with the occasional walk down the street and back. I am really surprised at how slowly my recovery is taking place. I was in the best shape of my life prior to surgery - running 2.5 mi/3x a week on a treadmill, and had lost 50 lbs doing weight watchers. My weight has been fine - I've managed to shave a couple more pounds - but I can't believe how weak I feel when doing what I would call light exercise. I am starting up with my cardio rehab tomorrow, so hopefully I will feel better about my progress when I have a few of those sessions under my belt.

Your posts make me feel as though I can push myself harder. I know everyone recovers differently, but I am so anxious to put the pain behind me and get back to normal.