2 weeks post op

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Curtis is doing fantastic, apart from being on more medication than before he had the valve repair ( which i hope is not long term). I know you can get loss of apperite after surgery. He is not eating a lot at all but cant remember how long loss of apperite lasts. Is anybody taking Captopril i think i read somewhere that it can change the taste of food. He will be having a follow up check on the 21st. Thanks for any help.
Great news. Food tasted like crap for me for almost 4 weeks. Everyone is different though, so maybe he'll snap out of it sooner.
I did not experience change in taste of food but I had a small appetite for two to three weeks post op. I ate the same foods as always and they tasted the same to me but I only wanted very small portions. This was the same for me both OHS.

VERY happy to hear he is doing well. Good job!
Great news that Curtis is doing well. A lot of people don't have much appetite for a good while and then it just kicks in. Bet it will with him too, but ask the medical pros if it seems to be a problem. Best wishes for continued good recovery.

My husband is also 2 weeks postop. He is still having issues with appetite also. Some days he eats semi normal and then other days hardly anything, but it is slowly coming back. He said right after surgery that food smelled horrible and his sense of smell was really strong.
I just try to offer small meals or snacks every 2-3 hours.
Hope this helps!
Paula, Just want to thank you for the updates. Glad he's doing so well!
glad to hear he is doing so well, thats fabulous news ! I know it took me about 4 or 5 weeks to get my appetite back. Now I am back to having to reel it back in again.
Hi, I'm currently fighting the bad taste thing for two weeks now. For me, I have narrowed down to a small set of tolerable foods, which are sliced turkey breast; plain roasted/grilled chicken parts; plain hamburger (no cheese no ketchup); plain rice; 1% milk; plain iced tea unsweetened. My rule of thumb is the blander the better --nutrition outweighs flavor.
Thats great news! I was in the same boat, wasn't really eating for a week or two. But I had this weird craving for sour candy for the first 3 weeks. My craving would wake me up in the middle of the (3am) and i would suck on a sour sucker. LOL Now i can't even stand the thought of eating sour candy.

Replacement April 4/08
Mech valve
so far so good!
Thanks everyone, not to worried at the moment he is eating bits and bobs and drinking plenty of milk. So i will see how he is in a couple of weeks.
Paula, I was thinking of Curtis yesterday and Im delighted see that he is doing so well. Thinking of you all and keeping Curt in my prayers.
Hi Paula ~ It's WONDERFUL that Curt is doing so well!! I think the aversion to a lot of food after surgery has to do with the anesthesia for some people. I know they had to beg me to eat after my spinal surgery that lasted 15 hours. I didn't want to eat for almost 3 weeks. Everything tasted terrible. But then all of a sudden food started tasting good again. Hopefully, this will be the case for Curt...i hope it isn't the medicine so it is a long-lasting problem.

My best wishes and prayers for a continued smooth recovery for Curt!